Part 2: The Sacrifice

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Chapter Summary: Without The Book of Vishanti, the battle against the Scarlet Witch would be tough and hopeless for you. However, you were willing to give your life for the multiverse - and for the woman you had come to love by your dreams. And you would.

Chapter warnings: violence, magic fight, sacrifice, "death", "resurrection", angst

Note: texts in italics = other universes/dreams

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You wake up to the touch of gentle fingers running down your jaw. Your first instinct is to smile, and the melodic sound of your wife's giggle follows your action the next instant.

"Good morning, my love." She whispers, her voice hoarse from lack of use, and you fight sleep to open your eyes. "Good morning, darling." You say dumbly, completely mesmerized by her beauty. When she smiles at you, you're sure you're a goner.

"Can you hear that?" You ask after a minute, and Wanda smiles broadly, snuggling into bed. "Complete silence." She replies humorously, and you nod in confirmation.

"That's a rarity." You comment, making the redhead let out an amused chuckle, humming in confirmation. "And how do you want to enjoy these unusual minutes of peace?" She asks, her suggestive tone making you smirk.

"Hmm, I have an idea." That's the answer you give before advancing towards her, and Wanda giggles against your lips as she matches the kiss. As your fingers run down her body, however, her laughter dies down, turning into a sigh as your fingertips find her skin under her blouse.

"Mom! Mama!" The shouts coming from the hallway make you grunt in dissatisfaction and Wanda giggles as you bury your face in her neck, the rushing footsteps becoming louder and louder. "Peace is over."

As soon as the last word leaves her mouth the bedroom door opens at once, revealing two figures in pajamas, who waste no time in jumping on the bed next to you. "Good morning!"

"Good morning, boys!" You and Wanda respond at the same time, hugging Billy and Tommy and sitting up in bed to try to match at least 5% of all that excitement.

"Can we have pancakes for breakfast?" Tommy asks, looking between you and Wanda with pleading eyes. "And bacon!" Billy adds energetically and the other twin nods in agreement. "Lots of bacon!"

You and Wanda share a laugh at the boys' behavior, but soon you feign a serious expression. "Pancakes and lots of bacon. Are you taking notes, Chef Wanda?"

"I am, chef Y/n, pancakes and lots of bacon for breakfast it is." The redhead replies in the same tone as yours, but soon smiles appear back on your faces as the boys shout excitedly.

"But first, let's all brush our teeth, shall we?" Wanda interrupts the celebration in that motherly warning tone that always amuses you, and the boys exchange glances before shouting, "Race to the bathroom!"

"Be careful!" You yell, but Billy and Tommy are already sprinting toward the bathroom, and you laugh as you shake your head in amused disapproval. "How do they manage to have so much energy first thing in the morning?"

"I don't know. But of one thing I'm sure," Wanda says, and waits for you to look at her to add, "we're going to miss this when they grow up."

"Absolutely, I'm not ready to have two cranky teenagers in the house." You agree with a laugh, and seeing the redhead stand up, you get out of bed as well.

"Neither am I, but we'll work it out." She says lovingly, her eyes shining at you as she waits for you to go into the en suite bathroom together, and you smile back, wrapping your arms around her waist.

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