Part 6: The Balance

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Chapter Summary: Wanda finds a way to redeem herself for at least some of the harm she's caused. Before she does, the Sorcerer Supreme decides the punishment for the Scarlet Witch's crimes.

Chapter warnings: suggestive conversation, hurt/comfort

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After America Chavez returned to the Kamar Taj that day, Wanda has been visiting other universes more frequently than before.

You wonder if the reason is because she, like you, felt a sense of motherhood while the girl was around, and this eventually awakened in her an even greater desire to see her children up close. Or worse, to have them back.

Whatever the reason, you were beginning to worry about Wanda's figure constantly floating in the living room, the red magic dancing around her body as her eyes ran behind her closed eyelids.

And you were growing restless, trying to search for an appropriate way to approach the subject, without alarming or offending her in any way. Or wondering whether it would be best to wait until she felt comfortable enough to speak up herself.

Before you can make up your mind, Wanda comes up to you in the kitchen.

"There's something I need to talk to you about." The redhead says, propping her elbows on the kitchen counter as she looks at you expectantly. You nod, wiping your hands on the dishcloth. "Okay. Is everything all right?"

"Yes it is, I just..." She starts, but can't seem to find the words she's looking for. You don't push her to speak, however, and soon Wanda sighs. "I found something. And before you judge me I ask you to listen to me first."

"I would never judge you." You assure with a tender smile, and Wanda presses her lips together in an uncertain one in response. "I got inside America's mind while she was here." She tells you, and you immediately raise your eyebrows, your countenance becoming inexpressive as your mind races in thought.

"You're judging me." Wanda accuses, but her tone is more amused than hurt, a small smile at the corner of her lips. Still, you shake your head in denial. "I'm not judging, I'm just concerned about why you did it."

"I wanted to know what her mothers are like." The witch explains and, noticing your confused expression, she adds, "America said she accidentally opened a portal when she was a child and it sucked her mothers into it."

You nod in understanding, remembering the story Chavez had told you a few weeks ago. "So... I wanted to find them." Wanda admits, twirling the rings on her fingers, "And I did."

"What?" Your question comes out in almost an incredulous whisper, having trouble keeping up with the events, and the redhead nods in confirmation. "It took a while but I read in one of your books that you can filter the universes you want to see, like a Google search basically."

You follow the explanation with a mixture of curiosity and disbelief. That kind of search requires quite a high level of magical knowledge, it took you a few years to master that skill yourself. But you should have anticipated that Wanda would be able to perform it without any problems.

"And I found them," the redhead continues, oblivious to what is going on in your mind, "here." She raises her hand between the two of you as she says, making a red mist appear over her palm.

In the Chaos Magic, you are able to see the reddish image of two women sitting on a couch in a house you don't know. "Can I show you?" The redhead's question makes you raise your eyes from the magic to her.

You nod in confirmation as you place your hand over hers, and the scarlet mist dissipates, giving way to a more intense red energy that surrounds both of your hands. In the next moment, your surroundings change.

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