Part 4: The Revelation

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Chapter Summary: As the days passed, Wanda was becoming more ready to face the harm she had caused. But along with this feeling also came insecurities and the certainty that she didn't deserve you. Little did she know the secrets you kept to yourself.

Chapter warnings: violence, death, grief, magic fight, angst, robbery, smut (18+ only!), top!reader

Note: texts in italics = other universes/dreams

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A few hours have passed since the disaster that had been that morning. And, despite avoiding your gaze with all her might and blushing furiously whenever your eyes meet, Wanda thinks she was handling the situation well.

Although she tried to focus on her studies, her thoughts were betraying the redhead even more than in the previous days, memories of the day at the Darkhold Fortress, when you came face to face with her variant, filling her mind.

One specific moment, of your dialogue with Wanda from the other universe, takes center stage in the redhead's thoughts, making her insecurities begin to bubble up. You, who were paying close attention from the kitchen, smiles.

"I do think you're beautiful too." You speak aloud, rousing the redhead from her thoughts and making her look at you. "I just didn't say it when we met because you were busy trying to kill me."

You add the second part with amusement as you take a sip of your coffee. And despite feeling her face burn with embarrassment, the redhead frowns, resting the book she was reading on the coffee table as she walks over to you.

"You can read my mind." She remarks with half narrowed eyes in your direction and you hum in confirmation, soon after raising your hands. "In my defense, I was worried about you. You were acting strange this morning."

The comment makes Wanda shift her eyes from yours to the kitchen counter where she rests her elbows, the blush returning to her cheeks. You don't press her to speak, however, and after a moment's hesitation she finds the courage to do so.

"I... I dreamed about you." The redhead tells in a timid whisper, risking to return her gaze to yours. You nod slowly, thinking she will continue explaining. But she doesn't, and you hasten to assure her, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, it's just... We were... You know." Wanda speaks awkwardly, and the intense redness on her face from embarrassment gives you the confirmation you needed to understand what she was talking about.

"Oh." You let it out in understanding, and the redhead nods slowly before looking away again. You smile, finding her embarrassment adorable.

"And how did that make you feel?" You ask softly, resting a hand on the counter and approaching her. The witch's eyes widen slightly in surprise at your forwardness, stammering at her words. But then her eyes descend to your lips, and you smile involuntarily.


The alarm on your wristwatch rings at the same instant she begins to speak, breaking the moment completely. As you bring your hand to the device to turn it off, Wanda clears her throat, looking away from you again.

"I have to go, I promised America I would watch her training today." You tell, looking at the redhead apologetically, who nods slowly in understanding.

This is not the first time in those couple of weeks that you have gone to visit Chavez. In fact, you did it quite often. And every time it made an uneasy feeling rise in the redhead's chest, reminding her of what she had done.

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