Part 3: The Awakening

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Chapter Summary: Free of the Darkhold's influence, Wanda begins a long journey of learning about her magic and how the multiverse works, guided by you. However, your closeness awakens intense feelings in the redhead she thought she would never be able to feel again. Her dreams, of course, don't help.

Chapter warnings: hurt/comfort, brief smut (18+ only!), oral (r giving), fingering (r giving)

Note: texts in italics = other universes/dreams

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It's only when Wanda's crying begins to subside that you take her into your house. She doesn't let go at any point, however, and you keep your arms around her as you guide her into the bedroom.

There, you help the redhead to lie down on the mattress, and she, fuzzy eyed and lost in thought, just follows your movements without question.

"Can I help you sleep?" You ask softly and only then does Wanda raise her gaze to you, her eyes almost as red as her clothes, and she holds your hand tightly. "Will you be here when I wake up? I... I don't want to be alone."

"I will." You assure her with a reassuring smile, stroking her hand with your thumb. The redhead ponders for a few seconds, but then she nods, letting go of you to settle on the bed.

You bring your hand to her temple, stroking her hair with your fingers as green magic flows from you onto her. You notice the pigmentation of Wanda's eyes becoming even greener than before as she blinks, more and more difficultly.

When you hear her heavy breathing, you smile, walking away. At the bedroom door, you catch yourself looking at her once more before you go into the living room with silent steps.

In the room, you move your hands in front of your body, opening a portal into the main courtyard of the Temple of the Masters of the Mystic Arts.

The sight of the partially destroyed Kamar Taj takes you by surprise as you step through the portal. Wanda really made a mess around here, you think to yourself, watching the wizards working to rebuild the place.

"Y/n!" An excited shout catches your attention, and you turn around in time to see America running towards you, throwing herself at you in a tight hug, and you let out a giggle as you reciprocate in the same intensity.

"You were very brave today." You say wholeheartedly as the hug ends, and the girl smiles shyly in appreciation. From behind Chavez, you see Wong approaching.

"Order Keeper." He greets you with a brief bow. "Sorcerer Supreme." You greet back, mimicking the bow, and the man smiles broadly, moving forward and enveloping you in a strong hug.

"It's good to see you alive." He says against your ear, and you smile as you hug him back. "I say the same to you."

"What about Wanda?" He asks as he pulls away, looking at you with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "An Order Keeper cannot exist without their Scarlet Witch." You say with a slightly playful tone, putting your hands in your pockets. "She's alive too, she's in my house."

Wong nods, thoughtfully, and out of the corner of your eye you see America shifting her weight between her feet apprehensively, so you turn to her. "Everything you've seen so far...that was Chthon manipulating her. She's very sorry for what she's done. She won't hurt you."

The girl just stares at you for a moment, but you look back at her with sincere, kind eyes, so she smiles, nodding slowly as she decides to believe your words.

"What are you going to do with her?" The Sorcerer Supreme asks, and you raise your gaze to him with a countenance as serious as his. "Wanda has lived her whole life without understanding the true nature of her abilities, what they mean. I'll teach her. Once she understands herself and the Chaos Magic she manipulates, we can decide."

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