Part 5: The Breakthrough

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Chapter Summary: Things are getting increasingly better between you and Wanda. In the meantime, you make a discovery that could change the fate of the multiverse forever.

Chapter warnings: minor theft, brief child abuse (physical maltreatment)

Note: texts in italics = other universes/dreams

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You wake up the next morning with a head resting on your chest, and gentle fingers tracing patterns around your neck and collarbone.

"Good morning." You murmur softly, sleep showing its characteristic signs in your voice, and the movement against your skin stops for a brief moment as Wanda moves so she can look at you.

"Good morning." The redhead replies with a soft smile on her lips before closing the distance between you, and the smiles on both of your mouths remain there even after the kiss is over.

"Did you sleep well?" You ask with interest, your hands caressing her back over her pajama blouse as Wanda rests one of hers on your chest to rest her chin on it.

"Mhm," she murmurs in response, her green eyes locked on yours, "what about you?" When you hum an answer in equal agreement, the redhead smiles softly, snuggling into your chest once more.

"We should get up." You comment after a few minutes of silence, and Wanda mumbles in dissatisfaction in response, burying her face in your neck and making you giggle.

"There's no making progress by staying in bed all day." You say humorously, drumming your fingers on her waist in an attempt to get her to get up. "We don't have to make progress all the time, you know." The redhead replies in the same tone, lifting her face from your neck so she can look at you. "Sometimes we can just relax."

You chuckle softly, nodding slowly at the argument. The truth is, you would agree with anything she says as long as she looks at you with that pretty face of hers, and she smiles at the same instant the thought crosses your mind.

"I heard that." She lets you know, her tone teasing despite her rosy cheeks and tender gaze, and you narrow your eyes at her playfully. "Hmmm, that's a problem. You can't know you have this much power over me."

"And what you gonna do about it?" The witch asks, her eyebrows raised slightly in defiance. "The only possible course of action," you reply with a shrug, a smirk taking over your lips, "kiss you until you forget."

The redhead's giggle is muffled by your lips meeting hers, your tongue finding no resistance at all to meeting her own. Projecting your body forward, you reverse your positions, your mouths never disconnecting as you lie on top of her instead.

Wanda finds it rather unlikely that your plan will work, really. No matter how powerful your kisses are, she already was ready to tease you about your thought again.

However, when your leg meets her center, the redhead sighs, and any and all thought goes completely lost inside her mind.

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"We went camping today." Wanda tells you excitedly as she walks into the kitchen, where you are preparing tea for the two of you, and you raise your eyes to her.

Almost like a sacred activity, Wanda spends her mornings peeking into other universes, following the lives of her children even if only through the limitations of that spell. Watching without ever experiencing.

But that was all she could have, and she needed to remind herself that she was grateful for at least those moments with them. And although she wanted to watch them all day every day, she policed herself to do so only at the times she stipulated, and you were proud to see her remaining grounded in her own reality.

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