volume i.

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Gray Color is rather is negative values since it is a dull color

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Gray Color is rather is negative values since it is a dull color. It symbolises sadness, depression, confusion, loneliness and monotony.

 It symbolises sadness, depression, confusion, loneliness and monotony

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Every color has positive and negative traits. On one side, the blue color means loyalty, honesty, trust, responsibility, calm, commitment, wisdom and serenity.

But blue can also mean conservatism, authority, depression, predictably, weakness and old-fashioned.

The color red is more than romantic love, which is often expressed by pink, but it is lust and sexuality

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The color red is more than romantic love, which is often expressed by pink, but it is lust and sexuality. It's the color of the lovers.

・゚: *・゚:*

IN MY HEAD, Eddie MunsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora