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Mew was smiling looking at the boys having fun on the beach. He was laying on one of the beach chair after a relaxing swim. The boys were however, more energized with every passing moment. They reached the beach house almost at mid night and slept right away. It was good that they had dinner on the way.

The Beach Villa was the personal property of Mew. He didnt know when Gulf called the staff to prepare rooms and arrange everything in the bedrooms. Even though they slept in the master bedroom. Not minding who takes what place.

And Mew was awaken by a super excited Godt to come to the breakfast and they quickly run off to the beach.

Water skating, high diving. Free swimming, cliff jumping. They were enjoying every bit of it. Mew was sitting only in his briefs just like the boys in the water. The crystal clean water was not at all hiding anything.  He could clearly see the tents in those drenched briefs.

"Come on boys its lunch time". He called them pulling his robe and chuckled as he saw their faces turning into pouts..

"Dadddyyyyy. We want to play". Gulf slumped into the water with a splash. Tae and Godt laughed at his antics.

"We will. But lunch first. Its the seafood fiesta guys. Come onnnnn". He waved his hands and this was effective. Seafood was their weakness and Mew knew how to use it against them. His staff had made yummylicious lunch and the boys were drooling over it. It was a miracle that they somehow agreed to take a bath first before eating.

"So whats the plan Master"? Tae turned to Mew while Gulf and Godt were bantering about something.

"Hiking. There is a short trail to the up hill. Star gazing. So gear up now. Take water bottles. Torches. Extra mobile batteries and rope. Who is in"?? Mew opened up his next plan and who didnt want it. 

"Yayyyyyyy". They ran to the store room equipped with all the necessary items.

It was a smooth track. They reached the top in an hour. Mew made sure that their security was all scattered in the places. He was leading the way since he used to come here ofter before he got busy with the work. It was almost evening when they reached the top. And only then the boys realised a small campfire. Their were blankets and cushions. With coffee. Hot chocolate. Some fried fishes.

Godt turned to Mew with a quesitoning look but Mew shrugged his shoulders with a lopsided smile.

"Well.... I am good in surprises too. You and Gulf planned it all. So me and Tae arranged for the star gazing site. Hmm"!!! He wiggled his eye brows and almost stumbled on his feet when two hyper active kids ran to him and jumped on him. Good to say that he had great reflexes. While Tae was all laughing.

They set the fire for some coffee while waiting for the sun to set down and a little more for stars appear fully. Since it was far from the city lights and the Moon was in its last cycle, the sky was clear for all stars to twinkle brightly.

They saw the sky changing colors beautifully from yellow to orange. With a faint shade of purple and blue and finally black. Only the flickering light from the fire cracking was brightening the otherwise dark surroundings.

"Wowwwwwwww". Gulf whispered as the sky was illuminated with millions and billios of fairy lights. The stars. Mew laid down on his back on the blankets followed by all. This way they could see many stars. They would trace a figure, some random shape, a name, and then giggle around. It was calm and serene. It was the first time Mew came with a company and surely he loved it because he had his boys surrounding him. Sprawled on him. Tae and Godt were laying on his arms while Gulf was almost laying on top of him.

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