6. Lab Partner

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It was the middle of the night, and all I could hear was some girl yelling Romeo's name saying He was hitting it right,and the bed slamming repeatedly against the wall.

"Uhhhhhh" I groaned. I couldn't even get enough sleep for school tomorrow.

Romeo made it clear That I was going to school tomorrow with my soon to be sister Sara. I was glad that She stayed with her mom and my dad. I don't want to deal with her right now.

"Romeo!! I'M close!!" The girl screamed. I didn't even want to know What She was close to.

I tiredly got out of bed and made my way downstairs for some midnight snacks.

I grabbed a bag of oreos, some left over chicken from dinner. I know this is unhealthy, but I need something to distract me from my brothers doings.

After I finished eating, I decided to watch a movie to stall time. I put on the spongebob movie. I already watched it like twice already.

Once I was almost finish with the movie, I smelled something fishy. I scrunched up my nose in disgust. The smell was strong.

"Bye. I'll see you tomorrow night?" I whipped my head around and saw two girls wrapped around Romeo.

"If I'M not busy. Now you two should get yourselves home." He replied.

"We really enjoyed tonight. "Another girl said.

"I know." I rolled my eyes.

As the girls began to walk off I noticed How much sweat were around there moist bodies. Romeo cupped both their asses.

"I had fun. You two know How to make a guy Happy." Yuck.

The two girls finally walked out, and Romeo shut the door.

He looked at me." Well that was a workout."

I looked at him disgusted. "I bet you don't even know their names."

"You're right. And?"

"You're such a manwhore. " I stated shaking my head.

He sat next to me. I finally noticed He was wearing just clear Calvin Klein boxer that really showed his you know What. I moved away from him, So I wouldn't smell or see him.

He laughed. "You don't like What you see?"

Why are guys So cocky? "No."

He grabbed my head and put it under his disgusting armpit.

"ROMEO LET ME GO!!" I screamed.

"Not until you say you like What you see and that I'M sexy and you are lucky to be related to me."

"You smell like shit."

"No. I smell like sex now say it."

I decided to find my own way out, but that didn't really help since He pressed further on my head and it kind of hurted.

"Okay, Okay. You're sexy and I'M lucky to be related to you. Happy?" He Let go of me.


"You messed up my hair." I said trying to fix my now wet and messy hair.

"Who cares I'm going to bed now. Make sure you get some sleep for tomorrow. "

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 3 in the morning. Wow. Time does fly by. Well, time for bed.


"Ding!!" My annoying bell rang signaling it was time for school.

I did my daily morning routine and got dressed. I was kind of sad because I noticed it was only Tuesday.

Once I finished, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I found Romeo dressed in his work uniform, asleep on his arm which rested on the table.

I walked over to him. "ROMEO WAKE UP!!"

He didn't even flinch. Oh gosh. I thought.

I tried shaking him. Still no results. I headed towards the fridge and took a freezing cold pack of peas.

I dropped it in his shirt.

"WHAT THE HELL!" He screamed as He tried to get the peas out of his shirt.

"You have to drop me off to school remember?"
"You're going to pay for that."

"Yeah, yeah whatever lets just go."

We were driving to pick up Sara. When we arrived we found her already waiting outside.

Once She got in She had the nerve to ask," What took you guys So long?"

Romeo and I looked back at her and noticed What She was wearing. She wore a white sports bra with booty shorts.

"Damn. If She was not going to be our sister I would totally bang her. But if you dressed like that I would have beat your ass with a tree branch."

I just nodded knowing He wasn't kidding.

Once We arrived at school, Sara and I went our separate ways. To be honest, I was kind of Happy. I headed to my locker to clear things out since I wasn't here yesterday.

The day was almost over now, and I was heading to my last period. Chemistry.

As always I arrived there a bit to early So I decided to catch on to some sleep that I didn't get to have Last night.


I was awoken by Mr.Moniera, our chemistry teacher. "No sleeping in my class."

"Oh Sorry, sir. " I looked around and saw everyone staring.

"No time for apologizes just go to your seat."

I was confused. "What seat?"

"The seat next to Sebastian in the back corner."

I looked at the back right corner and saw Sebastian smirking. I didn't want to sit by him.

"Ummm sir, I-" I was cut short When He interrupted me.

"No objections. Just go So I Can start my class. "

Not wanting to embarrass myself any further I quickly headed to the Back.

I hesitantly took a seat next to Sebastian. The desk was like a small cubicle that covered the whole corner. So basically the teacher nor the whole class could see What was happening behind our desk all the way in the back.

Comparing to the way He sexually harassed me before, I was pretty scared.

"Alright class, today We will learn about...." Mr.Moniera started his lesson, but I couldn't concentrate or take notes When a hand landed on my thigh. Oh gosh.

I decided not to panic and just took his hand off. He just put his hand back on my thigh but higher than before.

Again I decided to not panic and just scooted my chair all the way to the other side, but He didn't seem to allow that so He pulled my chair back to him but way closer, and put his hand back on my thigh while his other free hand took both my hands in a tight grip.

I quietly whimpered from the slight pain I was feeling.

He leaned in closer to my ear and whispered," Ah ah. You're not going anywhere. Class just started So We have about 2 hours and a half for some fun."

I gulped. Why is He my lab partner??

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