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Yeah, no chapter today, BUT, I do have art. Lol.

Yes, it's for the Project Winter AU.

Characters: Shelby (Medium *Survivor*), Scott (Whisperer *Traitor*), Kara (Ghost / Detective)

Scott brought Shelby out to see the stars. It just so happened that the Ghost of Kara followed them. Of course, Shelby is the only one who can see her, but Shelby fell asleep on Scott's shoulder.

 Of course, Shelby is the only one who can see her, but Shelby fell asleep on Scott's shoulder

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Yes, this is what the ghosts in Project Winter look like. Icy blue. Whenever they walk or move around, there's a whirl of snow that swirls around them, but just like the ghosts, only Shelby can see that.

Info on Project Winter ghosts: Ghosts cannot speak to the people who are alive, but can talk amongst themselves. Ghosts can place down a campfire and food, which will last for around 5 seconds before disappearing. (The campfire gives off some warmth, but cannot be physical touched. Same with the food. It gives hunger back to those near enough to it). Ghosts can also send out a heal to those in close proximity to the ghost. Ghost can also freeze people, sending out a chill to those it wants to freeze.


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