Chapter 49- Memories and Guilt

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Shelby's POV (2 days later - 8 days remaining)

The sun was setting. I let out a yawn as I bring in the new potions that I had just made, to restock my shop before the purge, just in case anybody needs some spare ones.

Laying them out on my kitchen counter, I notice I had made 2 memory potions. "Strange... I don't remember making those..." I mumble as I pick one up and examine it.

"Yep, that's a memory potion alright" I hum. Perhaps I was so zoned out that I hadn't noticed that I was making memory potions.

That reminds me though... I did say that maybe i'd go back to Scott and see if I can help him find some memories of his past, since it was... strange last time. Not really a fail but... I guess, not what I was looking for?

Maybe I should head over and see if Scott wants to do this again.

I pick up the two bottles and then leave my house. I decide to just fly over on Iceboi.

Arriving to Scott's house, I could see him sitting outside. He saw me as I came in for landing. "Hey Shelby" he greets, "What are you doing here?" he questions.

"So... I wanted to see if you wanted to try refreshing your memory again" I say, showing him the potions as I walk up to him.

He thinks for a moment, "I mean, we could" he shrugs, "Are you okay with this though?".

"Of course! I just want to help" I smile and hand him one of the potions. "Alright, take my hand" I say.

He does so, and we intertwine our fingers. "3, 2, 1" I count down before both of us begin to drink the potions.

Once the bottles were empty, I take a deep breath, placing down the empty bottles, and place my hand on Scott's forehead. He closes his eyes, and I do the same as I begin to concentrate the best I could.

Just like last time, it was proving to be difficult, although this time, it felt as if something was trying to keep me out. I had to push through it though.

I focus harder, and soon enough, i'm able to break through. It was still dark, but something soon begins to flicker into existence. I could hear a distant, echoed humming sound. Like somebody was singing. It was a female voice.

"Mama, will we be safe one day...?" I hear a small child's voice ask.

"Yes, yes dear, we will... I'll make sure of it. And even if I can't... know that I love you so much..." the person I could only assume to be the mother says.

My vision clears and I see a scene in front of me. A lady with long brown hair and a young boy, also with brown hair. The lady had brown eyes, and the boy had blue eyes. Both of them also had wings, except the lady's were white, and the boys was pale blue.

This must be... Scott and his mother....

The young Scott leans over and hugs his mother, and the lady hugs back with a smile.

My vision flickers to another scene. I could feel that this was the following day.

Screaming rang out... I could hear Scott screaming for his mother. My vision cleared once more and I could see the young Scott tied up in a cage while being carried to the back of a carriage. Scott's mother was on the ground, trying to get up, but it seemed like she was deathly injured and would not be able to get up to save Scott.

If only this was in real time... I would have tried to save Scott.

I could feel tears running down my face in real time.

The carriage soon begins to ride away, being pulled by 2 horses, as Scott continues to cry out for his mother. Although it was too late, his mother lay dead on the ground, bleeding out.

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