Chapter 34- Floating Furniture

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Shelby's POV

Dear Diary,

So... the past few days have been very eventful. I've been working on building a new house. This one is a lot smaller. I like to think the house looks like Neapolitan ice cream, since it's a mix of pink, brown and white, just like said ice cream. It's much more to my current aesthetic, I feel.

But anyway, as you probably can guess, things have been eventful, and stressful. My voices have been mumbling between eachother incoherently, and they won't stop for minutes at a time. Even if I make any sort of motion that i'm getting a headache from it, they won't stop.

They seem to have stopped for now but... something doesn't feel right at all, and when I ask, whoever does reply ends up trying to change the subject. I don't know what's going on anymore... but I don't feel safe.

Void Shelby tried to take control this morning, but I managed to keep her at bay. As of writing this, she's mumbling to herself. Not like she had been before, but more grumpily, probably because I didn't let her take control.

But on a lighter note, I need to dye my hair again soon... my bright red hair is starting to poke through again as my hair is growing.

I'm actually going to go and prank Scott again today, but make it seem like Lauren was the one to do it, so this should be fun. I need to get my mind of things, so hopefully I can have a good laugh about this prank i'm about to pull.

Anyway, talk again soon diary, I gotta go. I don't know how long Scott will be gone for, so I should leave now before I'm too late.

-Shelby "Shubble" Grace


As I put my diary down on the windowsill of my new bedroom, I hear my communication bracelet buzz at me. I look down and pull up messages to see that Scott had put a message in the group chat.

<Scott> I'll be gone for a while, probably about 5 hours, so if you need me for anything, message me before showing up to my house.

Huh, well that's convenient. I've got more time than I thought. Hm... should I decorate my house for a bit first? I do need to decorate, since I've just got a blank slate of a tiny makeshift house, at the moment.

You know what? Sure, I'll make use of the time I have.

I'll work on the kitchen first.

I head outside to grab my deco bench that I just remade recently and bring it up the stairs and into my house. I don't remember when I got rid of my other one, but oh well.

Placing it down, I begin working on making a sink, counters, an oven and such. I don't have much space, so i'm just going to have to work with what I can. I'd like to make a big kitchen, but in this space that I've got, that's not gonna be possible. Hopefully i'll be able to fit a table and chairs in though. Even just a small one. A two-seater, if you will.

*Time skip*

Alright, this house is looking good! I have a functional kitchen, so that's good. I also have a nice little bedroom, which is also good. Although, that's all I've got. A kitchen, and a bedroom.

I really went for the tiny living situation, didn't I?

"Yes" Shadow tells me.

I smile a little, but then remember that I have a prank to pull, so I better get going.

Basically, Scott is breaking the terms of Lauren's will. He's not caring for one of her deer, which she clearly stated is mandatory. So, I'm going to haunt him in Lauren's place, since she did say that she'd haunt whoever didn't care for a deer.

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