Chapter Six
I was an angry person, a silent angry person. I felt this was something to be afraid of. I could be overcome with the strong urge to kill you and you wouldn't know.My face has mastered the act of feigning impassiveness and nonchalance effortlessly. Perhaps this was why my eyes looked so dead as I stared into the bathroom mirror. I was constantly reminding myself of my misery, I couldn't feel anything. Tried to but couldn't and maybe that was why this morning I helplessly gave into the sharp urge to slit my wrists with the razor I diligently kept by the centre table.
I watched my bleeding wrists with sick interest, waiting, helplessly waiting to feel, feel something, anything. I placed my wrists under the soothing warm water that was gushing through the tap. I laughed, I found my agony amusing and I then I cried because I knew a part of me was lying to myself. I wasn't okay
I finally turned off the tap. Dried my wrists and body with a towel, applied balm on my wrists to soothe the sting away. I wished it could soothe the sting I felt on the inside too.
And then went ahead to pack my hair up in a sleek neat bun, my edges gelled to perfection. I decided to wear a black long sleeved cropped shirt along with a hip hugging pair of jeans and plain white jordans. As I headed down the stairs.
I quickly ordered an Uber. My mum stood at the entrance of the kitchen, i could sense the panic radiating from her as she stared at the clean skin of my stomach, my shirt exposed. She didn't like it. Good. She always liked me dressing very appropriately to campus. I guess I wanted to provoke a reaction out of her, I wanted to spite her for choosing my father over me, over us.
" Go back upstairs and change your shirt" she finally said firmly.
I squared my shoulders, finally finished the courage to look her in the eye. I gave a slow low chuckle, causally heading to the fridge, snatching a bottle of water angrily.
" Did you hear me?" She raised an intimidating eyebrow in question.I shrugged. " What does that mean?" She asked.
"It means I'm not changing a thing".
She glared at me for a short moment before taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm her tempter."Baby, how long will you continue being like this?" She sobered, tears gathering in her eyes. I felt another strong burst of anger, like she didn't know? She didn't know why I was angry with her? But she did. She pretended not to, pretended to bask in a confusing facade of sympathy games and emotional blackmail. She couldn't pick me, she couldn't pick me over Dad. I chose to stay with her, chose to endure his blatant psychotic abuse, chose to accept her pain as mine and it was quite heart wrecking that she couldn't do the same for me.
I scoffed, and stomped out of the house before she could call me, I hurried into waiting Uber, leaning heavy against the headrest, pretended I didn't hear the driver's greeting and struggled to push back the tears that surfaced to my eyelids. There was no point crying anyways.
The school as usual was rowdy, nile campus was already filled up with chattering cliques and people hurrying to be early for thier commencing lectures,to gossiping girls and laughing boys.I was already late to my first lecture of day, kristen had texted me, reassuring me that she had reserved a seat but I still hurried anyways, typing away on my phone in frenzy and that was until I hit my face front against a stone cold wall. I groaned and shut my eyes, feeling the pain spreading and exploding around my head already.
"Watch were you're going"
I gradually opened my eyes, did walls talk? Unbelieving I raised my eyes to the tall massive bulk of body that towered intimidatingly above me. It wasn't a wall.I stared into angry hazel eyes, felt taken aback by how angry they were.
He raised a questioning eyebrow, still glaring. My eyes lingered at the gold stud that glimmered at the side of his nose and how the blonde tips of his hair, extracted the power of the sun. He was all hard muscle, skin goals and intimidating height.I scoffed, I knew people like this. People like this treated other people like dirt and had this stupid ridiculous mentality that they were entitled to everything and wanna be bad boy here was one of them
Gosh fave, admit he's a stunner. You're internally drooling.
" I could say the same to you, you could have carefully avoided me if you were watching were you were going" I sneered. I really wasn't in the mood for any of this I just wanted to make it to class.
He rolled his eyes and scoffed In disbelief" first you bump into me when it was obvious you were occupied with your phone and then you insinuate that I'm blind?"
"Aren't you?" I shot back. He looked taken aback from a short moment before his eyes instantly lightened with humour.
" I would say considering your height, guts look like a good colour on you"
I narrowed my eyes, what on earth was he saying? I was tall and I knew it, I was 6'1 and I flaunted it.He insinuating I was short made me feel another burst of irritation and the fact that he was extremely taller than me, irritated me all the more.
" Well, since you're able to see everything from up there, then I guess you shouldn't have been so blind"
His lips tilted into an amused half smile. I glared."Now if you excuse me goliath, I have something more productive to do, and it's definitely not standing here talking to you" I huffed, intentionally badging into his side, stomping to class.
"Well, see you later shawt- tea!"he called after me laughing. I paused flipping him the middle finger. If I said he didn't get to me, I lied.
Another update, comment, let's Interact. Vote pls. It would really mean a lot to me. Thank you ❤️.
Psst...up in the media box is an image of fave, she's beautiful right?😂❤️

Healing Fave
Teen FictionFave. A young 19 year old engulfed in a world of massive abuse and saddled with the early responsibility of protecting her mother, exploring young adulthood and blending in with peer pressure. What happens when she comes in encounter with the "presu...