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It was now the next day, and your anxiety could not be held back.

What the fuck did you agree to, and what did he mean by 'its a date'??

Were you actually going on a date?

If so, why am I not that against it?

Ok, let's focus on one thing at a time. What am I gonna wear?
It should be something casual but not too casual, so it could fit in every scenario I'm going insane over.
In the end, you went with a brown plaid skirt, a plain black tank top, a brown oversized corduroy jacket, black tights, and some black combat boots.
Casual, but cute, and George has only seen me in a leather jacket and baggy pants, so even if it's not much, this will be a surprise for him.

After doing light makeup and gathering your things, you make your way to George's apartment. When there, you knock and wait for him to open the door. He opens the door and smiles
"Hey! Glad you made it"
You take this chance to examine him and he's in..pajama pants.

He's in pajama pants.

George looks you up and down and looks slightly surprised, but not in a bad way.
"You look..g-nice"
"Oh, uh, thank you"
"Come in"
You nod and enter, instinctively you follow him as he leads you to the room you had previously explored against his knowledge, you were once again greeted by the led lights


"I'm really glad you agreed to today" he says, getting out a few notebooks.
"I mean after yesterday's rap battle i was surprised at your lyricism" he says with a laugh

We had a rap battle?

And I had lyricism??

"Oh haha, yeah"

"I mean who would make a better partner for a studio session, really, thanks for agreeing"
"Studio session?"
"Well..yeah, I mean you agreed to go with me yesterday, so.."
"Oh! Yes, duh"

So i guess he told me he makes music?

I can't believe I thought this was a date.


But a part of me is a bit disappointed, whatever.

You waited for him as he got ready to head out.
Eventually he stepped out wearing his own brown corduroy jacket, a black shirt, a gold chain, black pants, and some brown Jordans. He looked.. really good, like, really good.
"Hello?" George said waving at you, you snap out of your trance.
"Oh uh, what?"
"I said I figured I'd match the theme" he said motioning to your outfit
"Oh, yeah, you look..good" you said with a shy smile, now realizing you two were very much matching. From this distance you couldn't tell but, you could've sworn his cheeks were tinted rose when he turned away and cleared his throat.
"We should get something to eat before the studio" he said, getting his keys and wallet.
"Don't we have to be there soon?"
"Oh, i told you an earlier time because you seem like someone who would be late..no offense"
You pretend gasped and placed a hand on your chest
"Me? Late? Never!"
He laughed at your extravagant pose and continued
"I mean at some points it seemed like you didn't even remember what i invited you to, so i figured i better be safe than sorry"
You let out a nervous chuckle and followed him out the door.

You two had made your way to a small sandwich shop, you both ordered and after fighting over who paid, with you winning, went and sat at a table next to a window.
"I'm excited"
George looked at you with a raised brow,
"For what?"
"To hear your music"
"Oh" he shyly chuckles
"Hopefully you aren't too disappointed"
"Oh, stop, I'm sure it's great"
"I actually worked on something after you left, i was kind of inspired by y-" George started enthusiastically before he was interrupted by the worker yelling your order number.
What was he trying to say?
Inspired by..me?
George came back with the food and you started eating.
"Hey uh, do you mind if I see your SoundCloud, or Spotify, or whatever it is"
"Oh sure"
You took his phone and added yourself to his friends list, you were the only one there, weird.
After curiosity struck, you looked through his profile
"Dude you have 5k monthly listeners??" You said with slight shock
"It's really nothing..i mean if you're big you have like, millions"
You slapped his shoulder as you pointed at his phone
"This is so cool! That's talent, if i posted some shit song right now i wouldn't even get one" he chuckled and mumbled a 'thank you' before biting into his sandwich.

After a nice lunch, you two walked to the studio George had rented, you walked in and George helped you become familiar with the board.

"Will your tongue still remember the taste of my lips?
Will your shadow remember the swing of my hips?
Will your lovers caress you the way that I did?
Will youuuuu..fuck.
I don't know (y/n), i can't think of anything"
You stop the recording and look down at his journal, he had left his inspiration and small phrases for the song open for you, you spoke into the microphone so he could hear you,
"How about uhh, will you…notice my charm iff…"
"He slips up one bit! You're a genius" he says with a big smile, you smile in response and start the recording again

The session continued this way and, with your help, George managed to finish three songs. You were now at his apartment joking about dumb shit.
"Can you imagine if a street food, like, chef or whatever said he got his food locally and pulled out dead rats" you said with a non stop fit of laughter
"You're actually fucking disgusting" George said as he wiped tears from his eyes.
You both gathered yourselves and managed to stop laughing.
"I uh, there's a song you didn't get to hear.."
"Oh, is there?"
"Yeah uh, hold on"
George quickly stood from the couch and came back with a ukulele.
"Oh awe, are you going to serenade me?" You teased with a playful smile
"Shut up, but yes" he said with an equally playful smile.
You sat comfortably in anticipation.
Slowly he started to play and harmonize,
His voice was addicting

"I looked at you and said, oh oh oh
Don't hate me,
Am I crazy?

So tenderly, you watch me burn, you watch me burn, oh,
So tell me

Am I crazy?"

You watched him closely as he sang and sang in perfect tune with the ukulele. It was mesmerizing, the way he gently stroked the strings, the way he occasionally looked up to make brief eye contact with you, the way his nose scrunched slightly and he furrowed his brows when hitting the higher notes.

Did I even deserve this?

He finished and looked at you nervously, to him, you were giving him a blank stare.
"Uh (y/n)?"

Did I just say that out loud?

"The song was, uh, beautiful" nice save.
"Thank you" he said with a tender smile, he looked down at his phone and raised his brows at the time, causing you to look as well. It was pretty late.
"I should probably get going"
"Well, it's really late, you can stay over if you want?"
"Oh uh, it wouldn't be…awkward?"
"I mean, you've done it before" he said with a chuckle
"I guess you're right"
With that, George brought out two pillows and a blanket and placed them on the couch,
"Alright, goodnight, and you know where my room is"
"Wait. What? I'm sleeping on the couch"
"In the kindest way possible, fuck no you aren't" you two bickered back and forth and ended up starting a very serious pillow fight
"YOU TAKE THE ROOM" he said, smacking your thigh with the pillow
"NO YOU, ASSHOLE" you replied, getting his shoulder, eventually you both smacked each other at the same time and lost balance, after hard laughter you both took in the position you were in.
You had ending up on the couch, you hovering over George.
You held strong eye contact as George quickly glanced down to your lips, then back to your eyes.
Slowly you both, almost instinctively leaned in closer, you were about 2 inches away from each other before you snapped out of it,
"I should, uh, go to bed" you said as you hurriedly climbed off of him and started walking towards the room
"Oh uh, yeah! There's clothes in the top drawer for you!" George yelled after you
"Thanks! Goodnight!" You yelled back from the room as you closed the door. You laid on against the door and slowly slid down.

What the fuck was that??

Is it just me or was that really intense?? You placed a hand on your chest.
My heart is racing.
This is too much for me.

You calmed down and stood up, walking to his dresser, opening the first drawer. You looked down at the array of pijamas.

Who puts pijamas in the first drawer? Weirdo. You thought as you giggled to yourself and looked through the pijamas. You slapped your hand over your mouth, trying not to laugh as you saw pajamas with the faces of the cast of Shrek on them.

These are the ones.

You put them on and laid in bed.

Smells like him.

You cuddled up to the blanket and drifted off to sleep.

PETRICHOR // Joji x readerWhere stories live. Discover now