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You woke up to the smell of roses and honey and birds chirping in the morning, you looked to your left and saw your celebrity crush holding out 1 million dollars in cash out to you,

Is what you wish you would've woken up to.

Instead you were woken up to yells, argument yells.

You rubbed the drowsiness from your eyes and walked towards the door, leaning your ear against it to hear the conversations. The argument seemed to be between George and a female voice.

Who would randomly argue this early in the morning?

"Look, can you please leave, I really don't want to deal with this" George said sounding tired of whatever they had been yelling about.
"No because what the fuck, you don't even hear me out and now you're with some other bitch?" You listen intently,

Am I the other bitch?

Am I the drama?

"Ok, she's not some 'other bitch' first of all, get your shit straight. And second of all, what the fuck are you even doing here, I'm fucking tired of this Cindy"

Oh my god. Cindy? The infamous Cindy was here and you were huddled in George's room in Shrek pajamas. They aren't dating, and we aren't dating, but why do I feel like the other woman??

"You don't think I'm tired? Why don't you hear me out, like, let's go some-"

"I don't want to go anywhere with you, go fuck someone else's best friend or something" George said in the most monotone voice possible. I can't help it, that was too funny, you let out an unexpected laugh and immediately covered your mouth.

"What the fuck was that?"


"Are you going insane too, what the fuck are you even on. Look, can you please just leave, I know you're with Brian so please don't make this weirder than it already is"

"But baby I'm not-" she started in a whiny voice before she was interrupted

"Holy shit. Do not call me that. I genuinely threw up in my mouth"

You know what.
I've heard enough.
It's time to do something I never thought I'd do but. I'm a bit hungover and i like to stir shit up once in a while.

You quickly skim George's closet and find a long white tee and put it on. You look down at the rest of your outfit.

Sorry Shrek cast, but you've gotta go.

You check your face in his stand up mirror. Looks fine.

You look at yourself as you're in your current risky business attire (if you Google this you'll get what i mean)

I'm anxious.

I mean, confidence is key right?

Fake it till you make it.

You take a deep breath and take a step out the room, acting like you just woke up. The yelling immediately stops as you're greeted by the venomous look on who you now know is Cindy's face, and the confused and slightly concerned look on George's.

"Babe who's this?" You ask as you walk up next to George and wrap your arms around his right side.
Cindy looks you up and down and scoffs.
George looks down at you with an expression of confusion and amusement, but quickly gets the memo and wraps his right arm over your shoulder.
"Oh uh, morning-" he's interrupted by Cindy clearing her throat and reaching her hand out,
"I'm Cindy, I'm sure you know who i am already though" she says with a smug look on her face.
You look at her and then her open hand with an unamused look and don't budge from George's side, causing her to awkwardly look away and pull her hand back to her side.
You pretend surprise as you exclaim,
"Ohhh, Cindyy. That Cindy"
She looks at you with a confused look as you suddenly start giggling,
"The Cindy that, that did that?"
George looks down with a knowing look and also laughs,
"Yeah the one that-" he leans in close to your ear and whispers a bunch of gibberish, which causes a genuine laugh to emit from you.
Cindy rolled her eyes and was now looking around with an anxious and, insecure aura to her. You could also tell she was getting annoyed at what was being said about her, regardless of the fact that there was nothing being said at all.
"Uh- anyways! I'll make sure to call you Georgie" she smirked before looking at you with a frown and walking away.
"I'll be sure to black that number as well.." George muttered and closed the door.
You both stood there for a while before taking in the position you were currently standing in and separating, you both stood there before you intercepted the silence,
"Georgie? The fuck is she, pennywise?"
George burst out in laughter and continued,
"She might as well be, the way she follows me everywhere" you chuckled at his comment before you look down and realized your lack of pants
"Oh um- I'm gonna go..put some uh, pants on" you awkwardly smile as George's eyes widen in realization and he turns around
"Oh, uh, yeah get to that"

You were both now on the couch eating cereal, you now back in the Shrek pants.
"Hey,uh, about what you did back there..thank you-"
"No problem"
"No really, it was, actually affecting me to see her again, i didn't realize how irritated i still was about everything until she was at the door telling me she missed me, and uh, you really helped, even though you surprised me at first" he chuckled and ended off his words of gratitude with a warm smile.

That smile.

That smile is going to be the end of me.

"I- uh, like i said, it's no problem, and sorry if I made you uncomfortable, i just felt like something normal wouldn't get her to leave..ya know?" You said, eating your cereal and hoping the burning sensation on your face wasn't visible on the outside as well.
"I mean, it wasn't that bad. It's not every day that a pretty girl without pants on calls you babe in the morning" he laughs before realizing what he said and taking a bite of his cereal.
"Ha, i guess you're right"

Did he just call me pretty?


"You're fucking kidding. This isn't real." George looked at you with disbelief all over his face.

"It's fuckin real dude." You look at him with the brightest smile on yours.

It had been months since you and George had met and since you started helping him with his music; from random beats to little lyrics, to full on writing songs for him. It had been a dream, you had always liked music, but never did you think even as a dream that you would be able to get any profit from it.

It started off with George's In tongues songs. George had poured his heart and soul into the songs and had even done street performances to get strangers to be interested as well.
You, as a great friend does, have been alongside him for it all.
George then decided to release a song you two had written called "slow dancing in the dark"

You had been on your couch smiling as you showed George the views on 'slow dancing in the dark'. The song had skyrocketed in a short amount of time and fans were asking for more.
"I don't believe it"
"You better believe it soon, because guess what" your smile grew even bigger than before
"What" he said with an anxious look
"Niki wants you to open for her concert here" you revealed with a slight squeal
"Fuck you. You're lying" he said with his jaw hanging wide.
"I have the emails to prove it, turns out I'm great with business, who would've known"
"(y/n)!" George blurted as he tackled you in a hug
"Oh my god you big baby, get off me" you laughed as you pushed him off. He enveloped your hand with both of his and kissed your hand,
"Thank you." He said looking at you with sincere gratitude,
"Oh my-, i have to practice-, we have to get to the studio!" He said, not letting go of your hand and instead using it to drag you out your apartment, throughout the whole interaction, your laugh never faltered.

And that brought us to the present.

The concert tonight.

(Sorry this chapter is kinda shit i wrote this at 4 am)

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