when you feel lonely

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Sometimes being alone is fun. You're on your own, have your own personal space and you can do what you want. No one's there to bother you and for an introvert that's basically paradise. But being lonely isn't.

Sometimes certain circumstances make us physically lonely. Like when there's a pandemic and you're forced to stay home to prevent the spread. Sometimes you're lonely on the inside. Like you have a friend group and don't feel like you belong. Or you have a problem and don't feel like anyone gets it.

Loneliness can even give way to other negative emotions. It could cause depression or anxiety. Honestly it just made me angry. I felt stuck and alone because everyone else was busy moving on with their lives while I was stuck at home due to certain circumstances. I felt that I deserved better, that after all the struggles, the last thing I should feel is loneliness. But now I realize that it all really depends on how you look at it.

Sometimes God needs you to be alone to prepare you. He knows that if you jump into that new relationship or get what you want right now, you might not be ready for it. He wants you to unlearn old habits and learn new ones.  He wants you to grow in Him. But you need to trust in Him.

If you feel like you're alone in a friend group then they're probably not the group for you. You could pray about it to be sure. But deep down you can always tell whether someone is supposed to be in your life or not. But sometimes our feelings cloud our judgement and we choose not to take the right step.

I'm not saying you don't have the right to be angry or upset. You do. It's not a really nice things to feel lonely or not have anyone to confide in. But remember that you can always talk to God about how you feel. You can tell him "I'm not feeling so good right now but I trust in you"

You could also try to actually talk to someone. Sometimes, there actually people available to help but we just don't want to accept that help. We have this "independence complex" (I speak from personal experience) where we don't want to burden people with our problems or feel like we're better off alone because certain people betrayed us in the past. It's not easy, not at all but it's ok to need someone to lean on. Please try to remember that there are people who care about and genuinely want to know how you're doing.

And if you still need more help you could try pursuing a hobby. You could try writing about your feelings or channel your emotions into art or dancing. You could use this opportunity to learn a new skill or do something you've always wanted to do but couldn't do before.

Remember that even Jesus had to be alone for awhile too. He fasted alone for forty days and forty nights to prepare himself for ministry. He also took some time to pray after preaching and to seek God.

Whether you're physically or emotionally lonely I promise you'll get through it. It won't be this way forever. I know you might already be sick of hearing this  but it really will be ok. Absolutely nothing is permanent. It will pass.

Before you go, here's something Jesus said to the disciples before he ascended;
20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:20

So remember that you are never truly alone. God is with you even when it doesn't seem like it.

Christ calls us to come to him because he cares. He can do it through anything, a stray post, a daily verse, anything! Even when no one cares about you and no one seems to be there for you, God is always there. And he won't just say "sorry" or that he doesn't know how to help. He'll actually comfort you and from there things start getting better.

Sometimes, God allows us to be in an isolated season of life in order for us to learn to depend on Him. If you draw closer to him, He'll be understanding and caring. And everything will be ok.

1Peter 5:7
7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

I really hope this helped someone ♥️

- Anne:)

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