All For The Glory Of God

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We should ask ourselves the convicting question that if Jesus were to come back right now, is what I'm wearing, watching, reading, and indulging is something that you can boldly continue.

1 Corinthians 10:31
31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

We should let everything we do glorify God and everything we think, say, and write to be a way to glorify God.

Our lifestyle is also evangelising. There are moments where we don't have to speak, and instead, rather our actions are what speaks the Gospel. It speaks of transformation, holiness (set-apartness), and difference. That alone can minister to those who rely upon what they see. Some people have already heard the Gospel many times but have not received it because the actions vs. our words look very different. We say Jesus has changed us and that picking Jesus is the way, yet we look exactly like the world, and there is no difference between us the world. Why would they decide to change?

Do they see peace in our lives? Do they see hearts that aren't focused on self-pleasing but rather honouring our Lord? What do they see in us?

From our thoughts to our behaviour. We should be representing Christ. This doesn't mean we can't have fun, but it means we do everything in a way that honours God (avoiding sin and what is wrong) to glorify and minister to others.


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