All In Vain without Faith

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There are psalms David wrote during times he should have been in pain, stressed, etc but he found his peace and rest in God. 

We find our peace in God. As children of God, anxiety, fear, etc should never be normal to us. Because we have the Holy Spirit, we should bear His fruits. There is the fruit of peace and joy. Our lifestyle is filled with peace and joy amid chaos. When others worry, we smile and rest in Him. Jesus is telling you the same thing He expressed to His disciples. When the boat was going crazy, Jesus asked why they have little faith (Matthew 8:26).

Why little faith?

Because they forgot they had the King of kings with them. When you have God's presence, you truly have everything. He'll help you. Pray before you study, ask Him to help you study, and remember the work


This is all in vain if you don't have faith. You can pray but if you don't have any faith in God that He will help you and you'll succeed because you have Him, your prayers will be in vain. When you pray, pray with revelation that the King of kings is literally beside you and is telling you He'll help you. Sometimes while I'm writing my exams I would pray for God to bring back what I studied in my memory and I would remember. I knew it was God who brought it back because I would feel that nudging inside. He has helped me many times and that same God who helped me will help you.

Count on Him, cry out to Him. He hears you.

I want you to take time today to ask yourself if you truly believe. Do you believe God is with you? Do you believe it?

If you believe sis I want you to start declaring faith. I want you to start telling God that you trust Him. I want you to smile despite the anxiety threatening to come.


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