Learning Humility From Our Saviour

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A beautiful key to humility is learning about our saviour. Jesus was humble, though fully God and fully man, He never counted equality with God as a thing to be grasped (Philippians 2:6).

Humility is thinking less of yourself. We study that Jesus most of the time focused on the will of the Father. The will of the Father was Jesus' concern. Everything He did flowed from a place of prayer. He was more concerned about doing the father's work than being popular. That's why He would often say that doing the Father's will is His food (John 4:34), and the Bible would say how Jesus was led to do this or that. He remained focused on His mission whether He was liked or disliked.

The Bible speaks of how God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble but also how God exalts those who humble themselves (1 Peter 5:5-6). Jesus is an example of this as He humbled Himself even to the point of death (Philippians 2:8). Our Saviour knew His value but focused on the Father's will and to redeem us from sin that held us bound, He knew the Father would be the one to exalt him (Philippians 2:9).

Humility is something often looked down on. Everyone wants to make a kingdom for themselves. To be known, to be celebrated and enjoyed, but very few focus on the name that deserves it all. Everyone can forget the name who made everything happen. Humility allows God to exalt us for His glory because God knows we won't still be glory for ourselves. Someone who is focused on God's kingdom and glory won't be focused on building their's. Someone taught me how we only are ever building one kingdom at a time. We can't build multiple ones. Either the kingdom of heaven or the kingdom of darkness. God exalts those who serve His kingdom because they are focused on the assignment God had for them and not the one they gave for themselves.

The two battles of having the right kind of confidence are pride and insecurity.

We can compare and feel insecure. We might feel like a novice, less than not that good. We see other singers and question our abilities. We see others get exalted and want to give up and back down. We measure our success with others and begin to think we are nothing.

The other enemy of comparing is thinking highly of ourselves. We see we are great at something but in the wrong way. We think we are top above everyone else or we see our gifts as superior. Perhaps you have that gift of prophecy, but look down at the one who enjoys helping and serving the poor and needy. You might be an amazing speaker and judge someone else's accent and believe you're more educated. When you see someone else being good at what you do, you then desire for them to fail.

Both are not humility, but humility is thinking less of yourself. A truly meek person barely thinks about their accomplishments and achievements. When the thought of pride comes, they hold it captive by giving glory to God. When a thought of insecurity comes, they hold it captive by giving glory to God. Whether someone is better than you or you feel is less than you. The thoughts can come, why because we are human beings. We have a flesh that is constantly at war with our spirit (Galatians 5:17), seeking to bring us shame or pride and the kingdom of darkness fighting us constantly (Ephesians 6:12).

But to be more selfless girls, we need to think less about ourselves and instead start thinking about others.

- Find someone to help out, focus on the word, focus on God, and write down what you're grateful for. Write down all you don't deserve and what God gave (which is everything!). Write it down, thank God, and refocus with worship.

It's not about you, but it's all about Him who called you.

Don't neglect your communion with God.

I love how Jesus never neglected prayer and spending time with God. When people would be in awe of the miracles Jesus did, Jesus still pritoised God. He often withdrew from the crowds ( praises, admiration, etc) to spend time with His Father. This is what we can take to grow in humility. When we spend time with God, we see how great He is. We are truly humbled. When we feel insecure and see how much our saviour values us, we are humbled. God is the solution to humility because spending time with our humble God reveals who He has called us to be. When you receive praises, go to God in prayer and declare that is all because of Him! When you feel insecure, pray and go to God, saying how much you need Him.

Never neglect your relationship with God. The same people who compliment you today can be the ones who throw stones at your tomorrow (encouragement John 15:18-25) for simply being Christian but your God will always be with you because God always protects His own.


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