Chapter II

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The rest of lunch was spent in silence, even Dustin, that seemed to always have a lot to say had been quiet.You kept catching Eddie staring at you but pretended not to notice, for both of your sakes.

Eventually, everyone finished their meal, said goodbye to each other, and split up.As you started to head towards your math class you heard someone getting closer to you, predictably, turning around, you saw steve catching up to you."What steve? You want to babysit me a bit more?" You asked annoyed, he was now beside you "Y/N, listen, I just worry. I don't want you hanging out with people like that, especially him" he tried to explain, "Hanging out? I literally just met him! and also, why are you so against him?" you exclaimed, having started to get tired of him overreacting to everything."Yea, you just met him, but I saw how you looked at him, and more importantly how he looked at you. I mean he was basically undressing you with his eyes! And to answer your question, I'm against him because everyone knows he's a dealer, and to me, that doesn't exactly seem like boyfriend material, especially if we are talking about my little sister" He replied raising his eyebrows as if to say that he was being obvious. You rolled your eyes "He sells some pot, it's not like it's a big deal, Steve. But if it really bothers you that much I'll stay away from him" you reassured him, "Ok thanks. I gotta get to class, but just know that if I see him even looking in your direction I will kill him" he said with a serious tone, getting closer to you. You started giggling "What?!" He asked you annoyed and a bit offended "I'm sorry Steve, as much as I appreciate your attempt at being scary I still find it really funny" you made fun of him "He seemed pretty scared to me in the cafeteria" he replied sassily "Yea, sure, keep dreaming buddy"You sarcastically said patting his shoulder while starting to head towards your class.

You arrived in front of the classroom, but just before entering you froze. With everything that had happened at lunch and that talk with Steve you just had, did you really want to spend the next two hours listening to Mr. Harris rambling about math? You came to the most obvious conclusion and decided that spending some time by yourself sounded great.You checked behind you to make sure Steve wasn't still following you and that there weren't any teachers, and as soon as you were sure you started walking to your usual spot behind the bleachers of the football field.

The air was cold and just as you stepped outside of the building a gust of wind made you shiver. You hugged yourself trying to warm up while making your way to the bleachers.This had always been your go-to spot since freshmen year. You found it once because you were crying and didn't want anyone to see you, so you ran and ended up here and, after a while, you realized that no one ever came to this place. You sat on the freshly cut grass and reached into your backpack for your cigarettes. You lighted one, inhaled, and laid down exhaling deeply as your head touched the ground. You started thinking about what had happened at lunch, how awkward it had been but also kind of exciting?You knew you had promised Steve to stay away from Eddie but that didn't mean you couldn't think about him, I mean, there was no way of pretending you weren't a bit intrigued by him. You had heard about him before, he was older than you, having had failed to pass the year twice, and he had a reputation for being basically the drug dealer for the whole school.Only having these pieces of information you had always thought he would have been a complete asshole, but having met him, he seemed everything but that, sure, he was a bit weird but he was also really nice and kinda... hot?While you were deep in your thoughts, voices coming from your right brought you back to reality.You turned your head in the direction of the noise and immediately spotted two guys talking to each other.You sat up to get a better look and just as you did you realized it was Eddie you were looking at, who was in the middle of what looked like a drug deal. Great, everything seemed to go exactly by Steve's plan.As if he could hear your thoughts, Eddie turned his head in your direction and in a matter of seconds noticed you.A smirk appeared on his face as he nodded at you, but before you could even process what had happened he had already turned his face back to his client.Good, you thought, maybe he decided to listen to Steve and won't come here. You laid back down and took another drag of your long-forgotten cigarette. Maybe if he sees that you are not interested in talking to him he won't approach you, you thought, closing your eyes."Hello sweetheart"You heard a deep voice beside you whispering in your ear."Oh my god"you screamed jumping frightened."Calm down princess, it's just me" you turned your attention to Eddie, who you now realized was the person speaking.You allowed an exasperated sigh to escape your mouth"You scared me! I almost had a heart attack" you scolded him while going back to sitting, "I'm sorry sweetheart, I just wanted to say hi, you know, since we didn't really have the chance to talk before" he explained getting closer to you "Ok, first I have a name you know? You can use it, and second I don't think we should be talking at all" you replied, annoyed "Why, 'cause your brother doesn't like me, princess?" Eddie asked, leaning even closer while looking at your eyes and for a second too long at your lips. Your cheeks flushed red and you cleared your throat "Yes, exactly Eddie. I trust his judgment and honestly after what I just witnessed there"You nodded in the direction of where you saw him sell drugs"I'm even more convinced he's right". He looked at you with an amused look, as he sucked his bottom lip in with his teeth "So you are telling me that you are not even a little bit interested in getting to know me? Because I know I sure as hell am interested in knowing you" He said looking at you straight in the eyes.Just as you were about to answer the wind blew and a lock of your hair ended up in front of your eyes.With a smooth gesture, Eddie tucked it back behind your ear lingering a bit too long with his hand on your cheek. You felt a shiver go down your spine and you swallowed nervously "No, Eddie. I'm not interested in getting to know you" You finally replied feigning confidence.He scoffed, licking his lips "You are a terrible liar sweetheart" he whispered leaning closer to you. You could almost feel his lips touching yours, you started breathing heavily and you were wondering how your heart hadn't already exploded from beating this fast. He was about to say something when you heard a voice coming from your right "What are you kids doing here! You are supposed to be in class", You gasped and turned to look at the janitor, who had just talked, he seemed angry, so you quickly took your backpack, got up and left, mumbling an excuse.Before re-entering the building you looked behind you and as you could have predicted, saw Eddie looking at you with a smug look on his face.

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