Chapter VI

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You were laying in bed, smiling like an idiot. The alarm hadn't even gone off yet, but you had already been up for 30 minutes. Your mind kept going back to him and you had stopped fighting it a long time ago. You enjoyed remembering his touch, the way he stroked your cheek so gently with his rough hands, the way he grabbed the back of your head to kiss you more deeply, the way he explored your whole body, making you shiver. Just like you enjoyed being reminded of his voice, his deep and hot voice, calling you "sweetheart" or "princess" like it's the most natural thing in the world.

You couldn't wait to see him at school today. You smiled, realizing that, for the past week he had been able to make you eager to go to school, something you hadn't felt since kindergarten, probably. You didn't know what it was about him, but he had put a spell on you, and all you could hope for was that you had put one on him too.

The bell rang.

"Remember to bring a calculator for the test tomorrow!" Your math teacher shouted while some students were already going out of the door.

You turned to Sarah, who was waiting for you to finish packing your bag, "We have a test tomorrow?" you asked wide-eyed, she snorted "Are you serious?" she asked amused. Seeing as you didn't answer but instead stood there open-mouthed, she took it as a yes. "He said it last week Y/N, where have you been?" she said, smiling, obviously enjoying seeing you in such a state of panic. You knew where you had been. You had been so preoccupied with only thinking of Eddie that you had totally forgotten about your test. You were starting to think that the spell he had put on you might have actually been a curse. You put your notebook in your bag as you started walking towards the door, followed by Sarah. "I'm so fucked" you murmured, getting out of the class.

"Good morning sweetheart" Eddie said, hugging you from behind, making you jump, not having heard him. "Calm down, princess. It's just me" he murmured kissing your neck. You leaned into his hug, getting captured by his scent, humming happily. " so I was thinking..." he said softly, turning you around "what do you say about coming to my trailer tonight?" he asked before kissing you briefly. You smiled, looking up at him through your lashes "And what exactly did you have in mind to do at this trailer of yours?" you said, feigning innocence "Whether you want to sweetheart, my uncle is working all. night. long." he said in a malicious voice, before smirking. You bit your lower lip, tempted by his proposal "I would really love to do that Eddie". A spark ignited in his eyes." but, unfortunately, I have a test tomorrow, and I haven't even started studying. So I can't" you said with a sorry tone. You could see in his eyes that he hadn't fully gave up yet "I could help you study" he proposed, causing you to laugh softly.

"You?" you asked skeptically, breaking out in a laugh again. "What?" he asked, pretending to be offended "You don't think I would be a good teacher?" he said, lowering his voice while moving your hair away from your neck, starting to stroke the side of it with his finger. You let out a giggle " I am not questioning that, I just don't think math is

your strongest suit, that's all "you said, intertwining your arms behind his neck and starting to play with the hair at the base of his nape "And besides, I don't think you would let me get a lot of studying done if came there"You said, smiling."I have no idea what you are referring to princess" he lied, bringing one of his hands to your waist, pushing you closer to him, while grinning. " i'm sorry Eddie, I can't" you finally said, snatching the last bit of hope remaining from his eyes. "Alright," he said, resigned, leaning to kiss you.

You hated math, it's not like you were bad at it, but it just bothered you how it was completely useless and still, it was considered one of the most important subjects. You had been studying for about four hours uninterrupted when you heard a know at your door. " Come in" you said, thankful for a reason to take a break. Steve opened the door, "Hey Y/N, I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to a friend's house and I think I'm gonna spend the night there, but I'm gonna be home in the morning to bring you to school as usual."He said, entering the room. "A friend's house?" you asked, raising your eyebrow, not believing him even a little bit."Yes. A friend's house Y/N" he answered annoyed, "And would you mind telling me this friend's gender?" you said fighting back a smile,he rolled his eyes "Ok, listen I don't have time for this, I'm already late, so just stay here and ask who it is before opening the front door" he said exasperated. You laughed "What am I,10?" you asked him, amused at his ability to be more of a mom than your actual mother, whom you saw very rarely, since she was always working double shifts at the hospital to sustain the whole family. "whatever, just don't do anything stupid" he said, before quickly going out of the room and closing the door in a rush.

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