Chapter VIII

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"We need to talk" Eddie stated.Steve felt like he was about to explode, how dared he even speak to him after all that had happened? But he was also exasperated and tired, these past two had been some of the shittiest days of his life.First finding Eddie in his little sister's room, then kicking him out, and then having to see Y/N so sad and heartbroken. He had never seen her like that and it destroyed him knowing that, partially, it was his fault, but he had done it for her, if only she understood.Steve took a step in Eddie's direction with a threatening expression."Ok, ok, ok," Eddie said, raising his hands "before you punch me again, I just want to tell you the truth" he said, with a tint of irony in his voice "The truth" Steve repeated, confused and irritated"Yes, the truth" Eddie said, hopefulThere was a moment of silence as Steve weighed his options.He could have hit him or he could have actually listened to the guy.He opted for the one where he wouldn't have gotten expelled for beating up someone in the school bathroom and he also realized that maybe, what Eddie had to say might have actually interested him."whatever" steve said, allowing him to speakEddie smiled subtly and cleared his throat "All right" he said, enthusiastically.There was a moment of silence"so?" Steve said annoyed"Right, I'm sorry I just didn't think I would have actually gotten this far"Eddie chuckledAnother moment of silence "Munson, I swear to g-" Steve was about to lose his patience when Eddie finally started speaking"Look, I know who you think I am. I know that you think that I'm just a druggie who occasionally uses girls just for sex. And to be honest, you aren't completely wrong, well, at least not about the first part" Eddie blurted out, almost out of breath."Great" Steve said sarcastically, turning to get out of the bathroom"No but wait!" Eddie shouted panicked as he got closer to Steve "Please, listen to me" he said, desperate.Steve turned around again.That was good enough for Eddie "I am all of those things, you are right, but with Y/N... with Y/N it's different" he paused, looking for the right words "I like her Steve. I really, really like her. like really. and- and I'm serious about her and I get why you would think I'm not, but I am" Eddie said, basically begging him at this point "Why should I believe you?" Steve said, skeptical"Why would I be here doing this if what I said wasn't true? Why would I be here telling you that I'm serious about her when I'm not? Why would I be here telling you that she's the first person that has made me feel this way in my entire life and that I cannot lose her, not like this?" he stopped a second "Please Steve, I'm begging you. Shit, if it convinces you I can even come for dinner at your house, meet your parents and all that shit, I'll do anything, I promise. I'll be the best boyfriend you'll have ever seen, just please... please don't take her away from me"Steve sighed deeply"Please, I'm begging you" Eddie said, looking at Steve straight in the eyesSteve turned around and walked to the door.Eddie felt a wave of despair overwhelm him as if a hole had opened up on the floor under him and he had fallen into it. He had fucked it up, like he always did. He looked down as he sighed deeply. Maybe it was for the best, maybe she would have been better without him."what are you waiting for?" Steve's voice brought him back to reality, out of the dark hole.He looked up at him, confused."For the record, this doesn't mean that I like you" Steve said, opening the door and gesturing for him to follow."Behind the bleachers? "Steve said, puzzled"Yeah man, she goes there sometimes" Eddie said, immediately realizing his mistake"And how exactly would you know that?" Steve said, raising his eyebrow and looking at Eddie, who widened his eyes."uh- She- uh-" Eddie stuttered "You know what, I don't even wanna know" Steve said exasperated.This was the second day in a row that you had spent avoiding Steve.You knew you couldn't keep coming to school on foot and spending lunch here behind the bleachers, but you weren't ready to go back to normal yet.You were laying on the grass, smoking a cigarette with your eyes closed when you felt voices coming from the entrance. You were too tired to even look. Whatever, if it's a teacher maybe you'll get suspended and won't have to come here for a while, that wouldn't be that bad.You heard footsteps coming your way. still, you didn't open your eyes."Y/N"Of great, just great, Steve had found your hiding spot, the only place where you could hide from him at school. Life is really going amazingly lately.You quickly put out the cigarette, you didn't want him to lecture you about that too. "Y/N" this time it wasn't Steve talkingWere you having hallucinations? maybe it was the sun.You opened your eyes frowning from how confused you were because you thought you had heard Eddie talking, but that was impossible. That was especially impossible because one second before you had heard Steve, and you highly doubted they could have been in the same environment without having one beat up the other.Well, you must have been having a stroke because as you opened your eyes, that is exactly what you saw, the two of them, the same people who you just had to pull off of each other a little more than 24 hours ago, those same two people were right in front of you, staring down at you."what's happening?" you asked a little more than confusedSteve sighed while Eddie looked at you with a subtle smirk.You were even more confused"Look, Steve, if you want to lecture me again you can save it alright? Yesterday was enough" you said annoyedSteve looked at you like you had hurt him, and you probably had, it pained you too to treat him like this, but he had really fucked it up this time."no, Y/N, thi-this is actually the opposite of that" Steve said, as if it physically pained him to say it"What are you talking about Steve?" You were starting to lose your patienceSteve sighed "Ok. He talked to me" he said gesturing towards Eddie, who had the same look from before on his face "and as much as it hurts me to say it" he paused "he was convincing"Eddie smiled at you, a big and happy smileYou were still somewhat confused. Did he just say that? Does this mean you can be together? Your heart was beating way too fast."what do you mean?" you asked, your mind almost exploding from all the thoughts going through it"I mean he told me that he's serious about you and that he likes you a lot," Steve said.You smiled "you did?" you asked in a soft voice, turning to Eddie.He nodded, looking at you as if you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen"he also told me he wants to come to dinner and meet mom" Steve said, looking at Eddie with a severe laughed softly."so, I guess what I'm saying is that I give you my blessing and all that bullshit" Steve finally saidYou were about to cry, and if it wasn't for how shocked you were you probably would have."are you serious?" you asked, your voice breaking."He's serious, sweetheart" Eddie said, stepping closer to you and putting his hands on your waist.Steve made a disgusted face.You smiled up at Eddie as your eyes filled with tears. He grinned at you and you hugged him. You hugged him so hard he probably couldn't breathe, but you didn't care, he was there, he was there with you and he wasn't going anywhere.You leaned away from him and looked at him through your lashes. He thought his heart was gonna stop, he didn't think he would have ever gotten to hold you so close to him again, and yet, there you were. He knew Steve was right there but he couldn't contain himself.He leaned closer to you and kissed you softly, while he intertwined his hands behind your back.You melted into his touch, it had been a bit more than a day but you had missed his hands on you and his mouth on yours as if it was oxygen for your lungs."Yeah, ok, that's enough. You have my blessing, but that doesn't mean that I want to witness any of this" steve said looking disgusted gesturing at the two of you.You broke the kiss and chuckled "Thanks, Steve. Really" you said sincerely, looking at him.Steve nodded, and smiled subtly, looking truly glad to finally see you happy again. That expression lasted for about a second before he turned to Eddie with a serious look" Just for the record this doesn't mean you can sleep in her room. and if I find you there again I'll still punch you, we clear?" He said sternly"yes sir" Eddie said sarcastically, clearly holding back a smile.Steve shot him a threatening look.You rolled your eyes " Yes, Steve, it's all clear" you said reassuringly before any of them did anything stupid.Steve looked at you like he wanted to say something else but at the last moment, he decided not to."well, I guess I'll leave you to it then" He finally said, turning around.Eddie immidiately pulled you closer to him, smirking at you."Oh, and by the way" Steve turned sharply around, making you jump a bit and turn towards him "don't think that I haven't seen that" Steve said pointing at the cigarette stub on the ground, "if mom finds out you're dead" he said before turning around again, and walking towards the school.You should have cared about that, you should have been worried but it was impossible to feel anything other than happy in Eddie's arms.You looked up at him and smiled, smiled because he was there, smiled because he had the balls to talk to your brother, smiled because you were in his arms again, smiled because you could see him smile too, and finally, you smiled because you were finally happy. Truly, simply happy.

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