Chapter 13

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Aimee had her extravagant Halloween party, but it all went wrong. Lots of people are missing due to a very creepy and mysterious haunted house. Now Jack, Toby, and I are trying to find are friends.

I gulped.

"That's I very large maze...." I shudder.

"Mmhmm," Toby replies.

"Guys it's just a giant bush," Jack informs us.

"You are awfully optimistic....."I notice.

"Well you very pessimistic!" Snaps Jack" Anyway it's just fake." I look at Toby who was thinking the same thing as me. This wasn't was all too real. That fire was real. That hole was real, that ghost was real! This maze isn't fake.

We enter the menacing maze waiting for its many horrors to unleash on us.

"So that troll was big, wasn't it," Jack tries to liven up the mood.

"What troll?" I ask.

"The troll we were running from....." Jack explains," The troll jumped from the roof and into the dining room. The whole place shaked. We ran from it....thats why Summer fell......"

"Umm there wasn't any troll.....we were running from a fire caused by the chandelier," I tell Jack.

"Lina and I were running from a clown with a chainsaw," Toby says. I hate clowns, especially ones with chainsaws. It brings back memories at Talladega.

"What did the clown look like?" I ask. Toby stops in his tracks. He freezes. Then he lifts his arm and points at something.

"Li-like that...."Toby trembles. I look at whatever Toby was looking at. It was a clown with a chainsaw. The clown started up the saw and started sprinting towards us.

"Run!!!" Screams Jack. I turn around and start running the other direction.

"Wait! Guys the clown doesn't have a chain on that saw....remember it's fake!!" Exclaims Jack. He starts to slow down.

"Jack run!!!" I scream. The clown gets closer to Jack.

"Do something Toby!" I scream.

"Why me! You are Supergirl!!!"

"No time for jokes! Jack is going to get himself killed!" I stopped as the clown gets closer to Jack. It lifts its chainsaw, ready to strike. Jack dodges as it cuts through the hedge of the maze. Jack contemplates what happened and then screams," It's not fake!!" He runs after us. I start sprinting as fast as I can. We keep running until I make a wrong turn into a dead end. I look behind me, the clown was right behind me. We were done for. I start to scream. Toby grabs my arm and he pulls me into the hedge. Jack follows. We go through the hedge reaching the other side. We start running. We keep running, until we feel like we lost him. I stop and catch my breath.

"," I say.

"Ok, you are right, it's not fake," Jack agrees.

"Come on, we need to hurry," Toby says.

We keep walking having no luck. We walk until we reach the end of the hedge.

"We passed the middle!" I spat.

"Ugh, now we have to go back," Toby complains. I hear something in the distance. It was a low rumbling sound. The clown.

"Guys the clown!" I scream. Toby and Jack look at me wide eyed. I look behind me to see the clown, laughing.

"Run!" Screams Toby. Once again we run. Will we ever be able to outrun this thing. We keep running, until my clumsiness gets the best of me and I trip. I start screaming. I looked behind me and saw the clown ready to strike. I flinch.

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