Chapter 16

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"Stop staring," snaps Lina. I snap out of my daze. I was staring at Kobe.

"Sorry...."I just can't help myself. Lina rolls her eyes. It was the week after Halloween on a Thursday. Lina and I never spoke about Halloween night. It was just too....werid. My relationship with Kobe hasn't gone anywhere. Honestly I just want to be friends, I'm not even allowed to date. I don't really understand the whole dating thing. We are only in 8th grade, and dating is used to look for your suitor. I am not planning to get married in 8th grade, and I don't think anyway else is either.


"Miss Marge,"calls Kobe," I won't be here for two weeks, starting November 17th!" I perk my head up, listening to his reason. He has to have a good reason to be gone for two weeks.

"Why?" Asks Miss Marge.

"I'm having nose surgery." I hold in laughter. Kobe looks at me weridly.

"Why is that funny?" He asks confused.

"Your getting nose surgery like a girl in the 90s."

"No, I broke my nose a year ago and it didn't heal properly."

"Are you going to have one of those nose patches," I tease. Kobe smiles. I liked his smile. It was cute. His canine teeth were long, which made him look like a vampire, and I think they are really cute. Wait. Kobe is going to be gone for 2 whole week! It is going to be so boring around here. November 17th was next Monday, I won't see him until after Thanksgiving break. Ugh!


The next day in math was basically a free day. Ms. Smith gave us homework right when we walked into class, and it was review so it literally took me 10 minutes to complete. Now I had 45 minutes left in math with.....John

"Can I copy your homework?" Asks John.

"Why can't you do it yourself?" I ask.

"I don't want to." I give in and hand him my homework. I seriously didn't want to hear John complaining. John quickly copies my homework and hands it back.

"Thanks," he says.

"Your welcome," I mumble. I turn my head to Carla, Alex, and Kate.

"Hey Carla," John says.

"What," she asks annoyed already.

"Kobe doesn't like you." John starts laughing.

"I told you I don't like him!"

"Yeah right," scoffs Kate. Alex starts to laugh.

"I belive you," I say to her.

"Well, you are the only one," Carla says. John was still laughing. I hit him on the arm.

"Stop laughing," I scold. John gives me a very retarded looking face and turns around. Carla shuns her friends. I look over at Kobe who was watching the whole thing. I felt bad for Carla. She liked Kobe once, and once everyone found out about it they never let it go. Will that happen to me someday. To be honest, I think it will. It happened with Toby, what's the difference now? In fact, people still think I like Toby, or at least they bring it up and remind me that I liked him. I'm not denying that I liked him, but it has been almost 2 years since I have seen him last, so I still don't like him. Sometimes I have to really think why I like Toby. I think it was because he gave me attention. I wasn't scared to talk to him, and he still talked to me after he found out I liked him. Whenever I think of why I like Kobe, I think of camp. Before then I really didn't think much of him, but at camp everything changed. He was so nice. I thought he was kind of jerk, but he was nice to everyone in his group. All the girls had a huge crush on him, while Bailey and I knew him. We really knew him. Of course I never understood why they liked him, and to this day I still don't. They didn't know Kobe like I did. I would still make fun of him, but it was all in good fun. For example, Bailey's friend was one of the people who liked Kobe and she told me that "Kobe was someone you want as a friend." I told her," Kobe is someone who you to punch in the face." I didn't mean it, but it was funny at the moment. Sometimes I actually do want to punch him in the face, but that's when he is being a jerk. I'm not saying Kobe is a jerk, but whenever he is around his friends, he can be rude. In fact, most of the guys are jerks because of their friends. They have to be cool, and being nice to a nerdy girl is out of the question. I think it is sad, but it is just a phase. I hope.

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