Chapter 19

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Hey guys, I think I am gonna finish this book soon :'( . I am so sad. I don't want to finish but I promise you more of Fifth harmony/you stories. I am sorry.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
This time in Miami had been so good. Me, Mae and Taylor had been almost inseparable. How does Taylor and Mae know? Well they both are in the same team at basketball, so every time I go to their games we always hangout. Camila didn't give up about how strong she was, now she is going to a gym and trust me she is doing very well, she even look hotter. If she weren't my cousin I would date her, honestly. Today we have a reunion at the Jauregui's and I am really excited.

Me and Camila arrive to the Jauregui's. Everybody were staring at how Camila had change. She look more curvy and you can see some tiny muscle on her little arms.
-hi girls... Wow Camila what have you do?- Lauren ask surprise touching Camila's muscles.
-exercise- she said and we laugh. I found Taylor and Mae talking so I went with them
-hey (Y/N)- they both said. And we start talking. Then I saw Chris entering with a girl holding hands. She has blond hair and she have the Caroline style, she have blue eyes and red lips. They were walking toward us making my anger grew bigger.
-hey girls- he said and we say a quiet hi -this is Brittany MY girlfriend. Brittany this are Taylor, Mae and (Y/N)- Chris said emphasizing the word MY. We just said hi. I don't know why Mae look so angry. -okay I am going to introduce this girl to the rest of the family- he said and he goes with that slut... i mean Brittany.
-gosh doesn't she looks like a slut?- Taylor ask and I nodded
-that daughter of...- Mae start saying
-wait do you know her- I ask and she nodded
-she is supposed to be dating my best friend right now. That slut is with two men's at the same time- Mae finish. With that my anger come to my head. I swear I am turning red.
-I need to tell him this- I said
-he won't hear you, when is about a girl he like he wouldn't listen to you- Taylor said. Right now I am angry. Nobody do this to he. -let's go for dinner later we'll talk about this- Taylor said and we go to the kitchen. I sit in at Camila's left, and guess who sit in front of me, yeah Chris and Brittany. I couldn't even touch my food.
-calm down miss jealous pants- Camila said and I role my eyes.
-says the one who get jealous when I went with my friends- I said smirking and she push my shoulders playfully. But still my anger couldn't go.
-um I am going to the restroom- I excuse myself going to the bathroom. When I arrived I see Brittany going out. I know is wrong what I'm about to do, but I can hold it anymore.
-look Brittany, I know everything, I know you are with two boys at the same time. Let me tell that this won't be this way. I'll make sure it doesn't- I said and then I feel slap in my cheek
-said the one who leave him because she wasn't ready- she said
-I did it because I love him. Because it was the best for the both of us. I knew it. While you, what can we said. A spider who is with two boys at the same time. But let me tell you this isn't over.- I said
-oh really and what are you going to do? Are you gonna tell him? Who do you think he will believe the most, his lovely girlfriend or the girl who leave him because she wasn't ready?- she said smirking and she goes away. She was right. Chris wouldn't believe me.

I went down and I found everybody at the living room. I sit next to Camila. Who wrap her arm around me.
-hey camz will you help me in this one?- Lauren ask her handling her a microphone.
-sure- she said grabbing it.
-ooh Camren- I yell making everybody laugh. Lauren and Camila just stare at me and I laugh. They start to sing "steal my girl" from One Direction. We were clapping and singing along with them
-"she belongs to me"- Lauren and Camila finish
-ooh nobody steal Lauren from Camila- I said and everybody laugh.
-that's it!- Camila said jumping on me tickling me. I was laughing so hard
-Mila... stop- I said laughing
-"said I am the best cousin ever"- mila said
-never...- I said but she continue tickling me harder -okay... you are... the... best... cou... cousin ever...- i said and she stop
-good girl- she said and everybody starts laughing. One of Lauren friend start singing "heaven" by Bryan Adams. I couldn't help but look at Chris. I think he notice me but he didn't say anything. I know he know that I still love him, but he is in a relationship so he doesn't want to ruin it. At the end of the song Brittany smirk at me and kiss Chris passionately. Do you heard that? Well that was my heart brooking in a million of pieces.
Taylor and Mae were in shock. I stand up and walk to the entrance. With Camila following me.
-(Y/N) are you okay?- Camila ask and I nodded
-I just need some time alone- I said and Camila sigh hugging me tight, she kiss my forehead and whisper "take care". I look over from Camila's shoulders and I watch Chris staring at us with a worry expression. I walk out of the door walking away. I know that the place where I am going isn't the correct thing, but this can only erase the pain I am feeling. I know is wrong but hey YOLO.

Chris P.O.V.
I saw how (Y/N) goes away. Even though it hurts me, I can go away with her. I wish I could give her a hug, and be there when she needs me. Yes, I am still in love with her. I ask Brittany as my girlfriend because I want to forget about (Y/N). She is the second best girl I ever know. Hey, the first one was my mom. Taylor doesn't accept my relationship with Brittany, she say she is an spider. Why an spider? Because spiders fuck her make and then she eat him. (A/N: lol is true. Spiders actually make that. Me and some friends use that name, to a girl in my classroom)
-Chris can you come- my friend Sebastian call me and I make my way upstairs were he was. Yes, Sebastian is (Y/N)'s friend, he have told me that she actually plays soccer. But why does he talk me
-this is something serious Chris-...

Ooh whatcha think?? (Y/N) run away. Where do you think she went??
-back to her home town
-she get lost
Oh well.

Sebastian have to tell something really important to tell to Chris. Why do you think it is?
-he is going to be father
-he is gay
-he's asking about a tip?
-something about (Y/N)

I will clear iffy you dudes in the next chapter. I hope you like this one. Please vote. Comments. If there's any mistake please tell me.

Oh please read my new book "descendants | Fifth Harmony daughters" is about the fifth harmony daughters, duh, but this case is different.

The 5H daughters met at school, they become friends. Later, they knew that they were the fifth harmony's daughters. So when they knew this. They got a crazy idea in their heads.

Please read it. I love you

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