Chapter 14

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
We have been at Miami per a week, I have think a lot in my relation ship with Chris, cuz I forget to tell you, that a girl name Camila said to management that I was also on tour. So I am performing a few song on stage. What I really don't like.
-what's up mila??- I ask her because we were lying like potatoes
-I am so freaking boring, we should go somewhere- I said and she look up to me
-you mean us, the girls and Chris?- she ask
-no dumb, just you and me!!- I said and she smile. We go walking to an ice cream store, and we went to go on a walk around the park, then a soccer ball come towards us, and two girls coming with a boy go and get it
-oh sorry, hi (Y/N)!!- the fan I found at the airport, what's her name??? Daniela
-hi Daniela- I said and hug her
-OMG is Camila- dany said and Camila wave -oh sorry this is Fernanda- she said pointing to a girl with risks eyes who wave turning almost red -and this is my brother Kevin- she said and the boy make a love&peace sign.
-do you want to play soccer??- Kevin ask
-maybe later, sorry I am in a walk with this looser- I said and Camila slam my had playfully making the others laugh
-aw cousins time- dany said and I give her five
-hey we should get together one day- Fernanda said and we all said yes, I gave them my number,
-tomorrow we'll be playing her so you are invited- Kevin said
-yeah I'll come , bye guys- I said and we go walking to the beach. I continue thinking about my relationship between me and Chris, I mean did we have to continue like this?? Is cuz I am going on tour, and I don't want us to get hurt.
-what are you thinking about??- mila ask making me turn red -Chris- she ask and I nodded, making her jump and hug me
-don't get excited, is not a good news- I said making her worry
- what happen? I swear that if he hurt you, I will kill, KILL HIM!!!- mila said
-calm down mila, he is a nice guy but.. I don't know- I said sitting on the sand
-you don't know what?- she ask sitting at my side
-I don't know if we have to continue like this, I mean we are to young and we are also going on tour so I won't be able to see him constantly- I said and Camila hug me
-look, decided what you decided, I will be happy with it okay? I'll be there to support you and any time you need a friend I'll be there for you- mila said and I hug her tight
-thanks mila, I don't know what should I do with out you- I said and we stay like that for a minutes. It was like 5:00 p.m. And we go to our house were Sinu was waiting is with homemade pizza yeah !!! When we finish it was like 5:30
-can I be excuse, I need to do something- I said and I went to my room
To: Chris 😍❤️😘
From: (Y/N) 😜
I need to talk to you urgent, can you please come over

I said and in a few minutes he answer me

From: Chris 😍❤️😘
To: (Y/N) 😜
Sure, I'll be there at six

I rethink of what I was about to say, I know it will hurt me so much but is for a good for him and for me. Then the front door sound
-hi Chris (Y/N) might be in her room so please come in- Sinu said, I heard him come upstairs and I could feel myself nervous.
-hi beautiful- he said and I smile
-hi- I said and we sit down on my bed
-so what do you want to talk- he ask me and I get in shock, what should I say right now?? God please help me -are you okay?- he ask me and I slowly nodded
-look Chris I am sorry of what I am about to say but is for the best for both of us..- I said and I took a deep breath -um I think that the best for us is that we took a time, and just hang out as friends because I am going on tour with the girls and I also don't want to disturb in your school- I said and he look at the floor
-is there another boy?? Or girl??-
-no there's no other boy, you have been my first and I hope my last love, and no I don't like girls- I said the last part laughing
-if you think this is the best for both of us, well let's do it- he said and I hug him -didn't you said to break up- he said giggling
-can't I hug my best?- I said and he laugh
-so best friend uh- he said
-do you want to b just a friend or what?- I said
-no leave it at best friend- he said and we laughed -I gotta go, is getting late- he said walking out of my room
-bye Chris see you soon- I wave at him and he left. Then I went to my closet to put my pj but I found another surprise -KARLA CAMILA CABELLO WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!- I shout and she laughed
-what do you think I was doing?? Oh and you have o lot of mees in your closet- she said revering to my poster -it was so cute- mila said making me turn red
-Oh shut up, can you pass me my pj- I said, she giggle and pass me my pj. I went to sleep and Camila go and laid Riggs next to me
-can I sleep with you?? I saw a horror movie and I am scare now- she said
-ya que- (translate: you're already here) I said and she giggle -night kaki- I said and she laugh at the nickname
-is weird I heard that form you but anyway good night- I close my eyes memorizing the hug from Camila, which is the best feeling that I might ask for
Hey sammers, whoa guys first I need to say you thank you, this book have over 3.37k reads and 166 votes!! PARTY AT MY HOUSE!!! Yeah I hope you guys enjoyed, I know some of you might be mad because of ruining your relationship with Chris but I do it because I have an idea and I want it to be some drama for the next chapters, so I hope you enjoyed, any suggestion please let me know and don't forget to vote. Muac love ya'll!!! BE YOURSELF!!!

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