Chapter 8

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Woow we are in chapter 8!!! So I want to make it special for you what about a couple eh. You and Chris there you go!!! Sorry, I promised some of my readers that in a few chapters you will be dating someone but if you are thinking about another person please let me know who, so please enjoy it.
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I wake up by the smell of pancakes, I am really hungry yesterday I didn't eat anything. I just got my messy hair in a pony tail and I go down to breakfast I don't care I was still in my pj.
-hi sleepy girl- Camila said and I wave
-hi- I said and Sinu give me some pancakes, I tell her that you and I start eating
-(Y/N) will you like to come on tour with us- OMG is this real, I can't believe it.
-are you serious?- I ask her and she giggle
-of course- she said and I start to jump
-yes - I go and hugged her -thank you thank you and thank you
-your w welcome I can't b b breath- she said and I leave her
-sorry- I said and we laughed. -When does the tour will start- I ask
-in one week- she said. While we were eating Camila receive a call and then she come towards me
-(Y/N) will you like to come at Lauren's house? She said she is going to have a reunion- Camila said. I know what a reunion is, party. I wan't to see what happened, maybe one of them get drunk or something.
-um yeah- I said and we go up to get ready. Gosh what can I use, I always have this problem, I don't know what to wear
-are you ready- Camila ask me entering to my room and I shocked my head. I am not a diva girls and this cases I don't know what to do
-help me I don't know what to wear- I said and she awed getting closer to my closet
-um why are all your posters on your closet-Camila laughed and I became really red like a tomato
-:um because it might be weird entering to a room and found your face all over don't you think that?- I ask and she look a me
-yeah but I don't care this is your room, if you want you can put them- she tell me and I shock my head
-nah is okay like this, this could be my place- I said and she rolled here eyes
-um okay, you can use this- she said giving me a white shirt, pink shorts, and a black belt. I hugged her and tell her thank you, I was waiting her to go out so I can change but she didn't do it I think later she notice -ah oups sorry- she said and she gets out. I get change into the cloth and I put my pink converse, and I put a diamond bow on my hair. I go out and I found Camila, already ready.
-aw you look so cute!!! I love the bow-she said looking at the bow
-thanks you look so awesome, I use the bow so they noticed that we are cousins- I said smirking and she laughed. Like around 30 we arrived there, we thank Alejandro for driving us, I was really nervous I think Camila notice me
-don't be nervous- mila said and I look confused
-how you know I am nervous?- I ask of course really confused
-because I know you- she said, I rolled my eyes and we enter. We found Lauren talking with her siblings I guess and then she notice us and the three of them turn toward us
-hi girls nice to see you again- Lauren said and hugged both of us -(Y/N) I want to present you my sister Taylor- Lauren introduce me to the girl
-hi nice met you- I said waving a little
-hi I know we will be good friends- she said and I smile slowly
- and he is my brother Chris- she present me the hot... Wait what am I saying!?! Chris is Lauren's brother, I can't have a crush on him so focus (Y/N)
-hi you look so beautiful- he said and Lauren, Camila, and Taylor look at him making him turn red
-um thanks I guess- I said making him turned more red then he used to. Wait!!! This cannot be possible, I can't like him back. Like I mean, he can see more beautiful girls than me.
-um guys can you got (Y/N) with you?- Lauren said and they nodded and Taylor grab my hand
-come I will drive you to the party- she said and I giggle
-she thinks is a party, but for me is just taylorlandia boring- he said and Taylor hit his arm making me laughed. Taylor put some music and go to get some drinks or chips and there was me and Chris alone. Great!!! (Sarcasm) -so you are Camila's cousin eh?- he ask me and I nodded- you are living with her too- he ask me
-yep and I am going to the tour too- I tell him and he smile looking me in a weird form. -why are you looking at me like that?- I ask him
-like what?- he ask me back
-I don't know- I said, he laughed and I laughed
-you are so beautiful- those words make me shock
-why are you flirting with me, why don't you go with other girls- I can't believe I tell him that, but that was the truth
-because you are not like the other girls, you are more special- he said making me turn red and then he come closer to my ear and grab wrist -eu estou morrendo de vontade de te beijar- he told me in another language I think is Portuguese
-what's that?- I ask really confused
-Portuguese- he said simply like if nothing had happened
-yeah but what does that means?-I ask
-hey I bring some chips- Taylor said entering to the room
-if you want to know it you'll have to look it for yourself- he said before Taylor sit with us. We got a really good day, I got two new friends. Later uncle Alejandro tell us it was time to go I say bye to Taylor and she give me her phone. I say bye to Chris and honestly I totally forgot to give him my number, he grab my hand and return me to were he was
-give me your number babe- babe? Okay so we just met this day and he is calling me babe?
-um like this is how you call a friend?- I ask him and he smile
-who said we were just friends?- he said smirking
-and who said we were more than friends?- I ask him back shouting his mouth
-and do you mind if I call you like that- he ask me
-nope- I said simply and h move his shoulders
-give me your phone- he said and I give him my phone. He was tipping something and then he give me my phone back
-there you go, if you want to check that's my number, text me later- he said and I rolled my eyes
-um okay whatever bye- I said waving to everybody. When we arrived home I go straight to my room, I takeout my clothe and put my pj on. I Chaco my contacts and I saw "Chris😍❤️😘'' I giggle at watching it. Then Camila enters to my room
-what happened today?- she ask me, of course I know of what she is talking about
-um what?- I ask
-in between you and Chris- mila said and I turn red
-nothing we are just friends- I said and she raise and eyebrow and grab my phone
- is this how you write in a contact to your friend - she said smirking
-no he write it like that- I said and she laughed
-yeah whatever you said, good night munchkin- she said
-night mila- I said and she gets out of the room. I get sleep, I was really tired today was a long day for a new girl.
Hi sammers, I hope you like this chapter, i hope you like it. Please follow me on my twitter account @sammygava. I love you don't forget to vote.

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