Chapter 15

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I wake up with two arms and two legs around me and one hand in my face, of course is Camila, if one day you invite Camila to a pj party and she sleeps in your bed beware cuz Camila is a monster when you sleep with her. Eventually Camila move and I was free, I went to take a shower, when I finish I dry my hair, I wear some white shorts, a black tank top, black converse and a beanie that said weird (just like Lauren's) and when I finish I look at Camila and she was waken.
-are you replacing me?- Camila said and I shook my head confused
-no why do you think that- I said and she rolled her eyes
-you are using Lauren's style that's not fair- she said pouting
-aw Camila is jealous- I said and she turn red -come here- I said hugging her
-I am hungry- mila said and I nodded -hey let's make pancakes- Camila said and we go to the kitchen,
-don't dare to throw me pancake batter on my face cuz I already take a shower- I said, when we finish we start eating and we talk about random thing like who are better dogs or cats?.
-do you want to go shopping?- mila ask
-sorry mila, I'll go to Danny's- I said
-okay- Camila said quietly looking down
-maybe we can go tomorrow- I suggest and she nodded, I don't like Camila been like that that's the only reason I tell her that because I really hate shopping -I gotta go mila, I love you- I said kissing her cheek and she reply with an I love you. I went to the park and I found the guys playing soccer,
-hi guys- I said waving
-hi (Y/N)- Fernanda said
-look this is Sebastian- Danny said pointing at the blond and curly hair boy who wave shyly -this is Verenice but we call her vere- she said pointing to the short girl
-hi- she said with a French accent and I said hi
-and she is Silvia- she said pointing at the red hair girl who wave
-okay let's play- Kevin said -me and Sebastian are going to be the captains
-Sebastian you are first- vere said
-Silvia- he said and Silvia go to his side
-(Y/N)- Kevin said
-I have to admit I am a mess on sports- I said cuz is true
-it doesn't matter we do it just for fun- Silvia said
-vere- Sebastian said and vere go to his side
-well Danny- Kevin said and Danny slap his arm playfully. We play like for half an hour and I never think I was good I soccer, I got one gol, lol it was by accident I didn't know what to do so I just hit it with my feet. Later we got tier and we went to sit down a tree and we eat ice cream.
-so (Y/N) are you dating somebody??- Fernanda ask and the all make "ohh"
-nope- I said
-liver the girls post pictures of you and Chris- dany said and I turned red
-well we used to be dating but I thought we just have to give each other's a little of time- I said and the girls awed -what about you??- I ask
-nah- Kevin said
-no guys at our classroom are really ugly- Silvia said and Danny high five her
-well I am dating a boy named Leonardo- vere said and we make her turn red
-not yet but I have my eyes on a girl- Sebastian said
-oh I am dating a boy name Paul- Fernanda said turning red
-and are you going on tour with the girls?- Silvia ask me
-um yeah, well Camila get me in this so yeah- I said and they laughed
-is Lauren hotter in person or is the camera effects??- Sebastian ask and Silvia snap his head
-aw Silvia is jealous ??- Kevin said
-shut up- Silvia said
-nope- Kevin said giggling
-do you want me to shut your mouth- Silvia said apparently the boys are scare of her
-no.. No.. I better shut up- he said and Silvia sit down again
-oh Sebastian, yeah Lauren is hotter in person- I said and I high five him. We spend all day talking, playing and just chilling like normal teens. I really miss this the most, don't got me wrong, I really like the girls but I miss spend time with guys of my age. When I got home Camila was sitting on the sofa with her phone
-hi Camila!!!- I said but she even don't look at me
-Camila- I said again but she didn't response
-hola Camila- I said in Spanish to see like if like this she could answer me but instead she go upstairs. And I stay there in shook. Why Camila is like this?? Then I see Sofi playing with her dolls
-Sofi do you know what's up with Camila??- I ask her but she put her hand asking for money -gosh girls you'll let me poor- I said giving her five dollars
-she thinks you don't need her anymore because you already found new friends- Sofi said running to her room. Is Camila jealous ?? Why?? The only way I can answer this is asking her. When I arrived to her room I knock the door and open it slowly
-mila- I said and and she just look at me and then she look back to her book, I take the book out of her hands and she look at me angry
-hey give my my book NOW!!- Camila said angrily
-no!! Until you talk to me- I said and she sighed
-great!!! What do you want to talk about?!?- she ask sitting in a chair
-hey mila you aren't usually like this, since I arrived today you've been ignoring me, what's happening??- I said
-nothing, I am fine- she said
-c'mon me and you know that that's false- I said
-okay okay- she admitted -is cuz, you have been expending more time with the girls, Chris, Taylor, and random people than me, so I just though that you didn't need me anymore- mila said and I sat right next to her hugging her
-sorry mila, I didn't knew you was feeling like this, is cuz sometime I think that you also have to had time for you than just for me- I said and Camila hug me
-sorry for my jealous. You are like my sister, don't got me wrong I love Sofi but sometime I need to talk to somebody like you. I just found you and honestly I don't want to lose you- Camila said, I hug her while tears were running down my cheeks
-you are all that I have mila, me neither wanna lose you- I said and we stay like that like for five minutes -pj's night??- I suggest
-only if there's pizza- mila said and I laughed . Me, Camila and Sofi went to Camila's room, while mila go down and got the pizza, Sofi went for candies and junk food, and I put the movie which was nemo and I also put some blankets on the floor, that was one of the funniest night of all the month. I just love to spend time with my cousins, specially with Camila
-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-Hello beautiful people on the beautiful wattpad. Soooooooorry for not updating, I have just have to many problems at school, family and with some cousins!!! I have bad news.... I WILL NOT CONTINUE THIS NOVEL!!! Haha just kidding, I love to write this, I do not want it to end it haha. Um thanks to Jauregaycabello (pretty cool name)  for the tip of the jealous tip ;).... I love you guys, any suggestion please let me know and don't forget to vote!!

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