Not even music can fix a broken heart

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Smoke lingers in the room as Lila lay red eyed and dazed on her cloudy white duvet with black midi blasting through her headphones.The room was abnormally quite as the girls had only just left lennons flat and the apartment her and her two friends shared was only home to the small stoned girl.Slants of light peered through the window proving hope was in the lonley room.

A message appeared on her phone

you left your dress at mine I can come drop it by later if you want?

At first She didn't dare to reply as she wasn't in the right mindset but she felt rude so she replied with a simple

Thanks yeah sure I don't mind what time

Keys jangled startling the girl as her two roommates stumbled in."Lila?"Flossie asked in concern.She let out a breath as though it was her last.She felt caught."In Here".as the door swung open the stench lingered through the apartment"are you high?"Iris said as she scanned the room"yeah my anxiety kicked off last night"Flossie dropped her bag and hopped on the bed and Iris followed"Come on your not gonna share?".So as the joint got passed around a sense of relief became clear in the room they all felt at ease after that chaotic night

"So were did you go all night?"repeated Flossie as she was eager to find out.Eyes stared at Lila to reveal her secrets but she couldn't not until she had talked to Gene"nothing got too drunk and crashed think I woke up in a cupboard"Lila laughed awkwardly.Iris shared a look with her as if to show she knows she's lying but decided to bring it up another time  "we'll I don't know about you lot but I completed my mission"The two girls jaws hung "shut up!"they both replied."yup and I slept with him and let me till he's even better than you can imagine"

Chatter continued for a few hours as the girls sobered up and swap stories.By 4 Flossie and Iris had gone out again to visit some friends in Camden,they'd invited Lila but she felt the need  to have some alone time.Once they'd left and the cost was clear she sent a text to Gene.


Hey think you could drop my dress of now?

As she chucked her phone onto the bed she didn't expect a reply so quickly

Yeah no problem I'll come by now

All though the thought of seeing him scared her she needed to clear the air so she sat patiently for the blonde hair boy to arrive

Subtle knocks hit the door and Gene appeared dress in hand"thank you your a life saver my mum would kill me if I lost her dress"as she scuttled of into her bedroom to put it back expecting him to follow" you know you can come in"the boy felt uncomfortable as this morning she had abandoned him however he traipsed into her room.An awkward silence lay in the room until Lila broke it throwing  him one of his favourite band T-shirts that his dad had given him"here sorry I couldn't find anything else to wear this morning"Gene stopped to take into account weather he should address last night but Lila beat him to it "look about last night I didn't tell the girls anything because it shouldn't of happened we were both drunk it was a mistake,you know I couldn't go there especially with our past"Lila blurted feeling a weight lifted across her chest.Gene became frustrated as he began to explain himself "you know I never apologised for that and Im sorry I was younger and thought nothing mattered to me"Lila scoffed"that was clear you didn't give a fuck about me"The hostility was a surprise to Gene as he genuinely tried to apologise.However Lila felt vulnerable once again and that hit her a nerve she wasn't even aware of" you know what I'm going out I uh  I think you should leave"

Gene felt attacked but he respected her wishes as he did royalty fuck up in the past so he grabbed his t-shirt and left.

To explain that kiss wasn't their first as in the past they dated around a year ago now.At the time Gene was reckless and stupid so carelessly he cheated on Lila many,many times and she was publicly humiliated by the press

Lila was mad and alone so she did what any girl would,she texted an old friend began getting ready for a night out.There was a 70's theme party being held at her friends student accommodation and she wannted nothing more than to hide from her real life right now


Story reply:@irie:hey thought you were staying in tonight?

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@irie:hey thought you were staying in tonight?

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