Cold nights and tube rides

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Lila moss spotted looking cozy with Romeo beckham in the streets of soho

The headline buzzed with the new it 'couple' as they were spotted around London over the past month

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The headline buzzed with the new it 'couple' as they were spotted around London over the past month.While they traipse around Soho Gene sat in his lonely room with tears welding in his eyes.He couldn't believe it-he couldn't believe how bad he'd fucked up.

The sky grew dark casting a cold shadow across London.Lilas delicate hand lay foreign in Romeo's,as the scratchy tubes seats brush against them.

Gene was wondering around London with his friends:Ace,Archie and Brossy."mate what is going on with you and Lila? Did you see what TMZ posted?"Genes heart dropped as the subject was mentioned"I fucked up,I just wish I could explain it to her"His friends shared a look of remorse"just text her"
"I cant man she's with Romeo now" Ace paused contemplating his answer "I cant believe there together,who would've though,isn't he a dick"He pauses again "look just text her ask to meet for coffee or something"Genes head lowers as his anxiety heightens and he builds up the cordage to message her

I know we haven't spoken in a while but I was hopping we could grab coffee so I can explain,

His thumb hit the send button and quickly shutting off his phone terrified for her answer,but slowly his mind eased as they headed to the under ground

Back on the tube Lilas phone buzzed as she turned it over to check what it was she realised it was Gene her heart melted as her feelings for him never really disappeared"who's that?" Romeo asked with a jealous undertone"no one" Lila lied "yes it is show me" he snatched her phone,ripping it from her hand"you fucking liar"his voice grew aggressive "what do you have feelings for him now you slut,I knew it"his jealousy consumed him as Lila grew small and scared of his sharp tongue."come on we're going home"Her pale hands crumbled under his tight grip as he dragged her off the tube."I don't know what your talking about I don't like him"shakily she reassured him "than why the fuck if he texting you" she stumbled back "I don't know please let's just go home" all though he'd Originally suggested the idea,his harm gripped her asserting dominance"Don't you dare tell me what to do"he pushed her back into the dirty station wall"I want you to block him now Lila" she reached for her phone shakily opening it "you know what I don't trust you let me" she was reluctant pulling her hand back.Romeo snapped tugging her wrist leaving a red rim where his fingers dug into her skin "hiding something are you?unlock it now " tears welled in her eyes as she shook her head "do it Lila or I swear to god" Her body was crushed against the wall as his greasy body trapped her.Short painfully breath escaped her lips as his hand gripped her neck tight "Right now Lila" her breathing become non existent as a purple hue covered her neck.

Gene and his friends had reached the tube gates when he spotted something out of the corner of his eye"what the fuck is the Lila" Ace looked over assessing the situation "yeah what the fuck is she ok"Gene ran over and his heart snuck when he saw the tears in welling in her blue Eyes  "get the fuck off her now" Romeos hand dropped from her neck as he turned to face Gene "oh look it is, I know  couldn't help your self-you bitch" Genes fist clenched tight as he punched Romeo across the face knocking him to the ground "fuck off" he grabbed Lilas hand and took her to the side "are you ok?"Lila face had residue of mascara and tears and a bruise had already began to form around her neck"yeah I'm sorry" she fell into to his arms as he rapped his around her "Lila it's not your fault,let's go" Gene friends left understanding the vulnerability of the situation and the two sat silently in the lonely black cab.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2022 ⏰

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