Too Many Secrets

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It all started so innocently. It was almost like an accident that was a little snowball rolling down a hill harmlessly until it got bigger and bigger. Her name is Sara Fuller and she is the newly married wife of Jon Fuller. Sara had a similar upbringing to Ryan. Her dad kept her in line her entire childhood and even up into her teenage years. Sara was very popular growing up and a lot of guys wanted to date her. She is now 23 years old and 5'5 with long dark wavy hair. She has soft, pale skin and wears glasses with thick frames. She has an average build with thick thighs that touch when she walks leading to a nice round ass. She has a little bit of a belly but that isn't noticed as she has larger than average breasts wearing a 36DD bra since she was a Senior in high school. She was always forced to wear baggy clothing to cover up any part of her body that boys might look at. This leads to her not getting to date through school. She met Jon at church and her dad pushed her to date him. She liked him well enough and after he graduated from college, he asked her dad for her hand in marriage. They were married shortly after that and she became a housewife living in the small house they could afford. After their honeymoon, she hid the fact that something seemed off about their sex lives as a couple. Something seemed missing but she didn't know what. So when she saw that another couple at the church was starting a small group she thought that could be her opportunity to see if she was alone in this feeling.

It was a Wednesday evening and June was on her way to drop the kids off at the grandparent's house so she and Ryan could have privacy in their home at the first meeting of the couple's group. Ryan was feeling nervous as he has no idea who will even show up and what people will want to talk about. He was secretly hoping to make some friends that might open up to him about also having darker thoughts and feelings. June was running late coming back to the house and Sara showed up with Jon as the first couple to arrive. Jon was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. He was 23 years old and looked like a guy who grew up in church. He had blond hair neatly combed to the side and was very fit. Sara had a jumper on that fit snugly on her body. She went back and forth on what panties to wear with it and decided she needed to wear a thong because she felt weird wearing no panties to a strange house. She hoped no one would notice any lines as she was there. The neckline was modest as she was raised to be. Ryan opened the door with a smile. "Welcome! I don't think we have met name is Ryan McPherson." He extends his hand to Jon first and then Sara. Each of them responds quietly as they shake his hand and walk-in. Sara is feeling nervous and uncomfortable when they enter and realize they are alone with Ryan.

Ryan tries to play as the host, showing them around the different rooms of the house. He leads them to the kitchen showing them the coffee and snacks they can have as he goes back to the living room to wait for more people to show up. Sara and Jon walk in with coffee in hand as another knock is on the door. Ryan can't believe June still isn't back yet. He gets up to go answer the door just as he saw Sara bending over to put her coffee down on the end table before sitting down. It's at that moment where he does something that he knows was so incredibly wrong but just couldn't help himself. When he is starting to stand he looks at her nice round ass and can see the outline of her thong. He quickly glances over seeing Jon looking over at the decor. As he walks passed Sara, he pretends it was a tight fit to get by her as he puts one hand on her hip and pushes his partially hard bulge right against her ass. "Oh excuse me," he says in passing as he felt himself push, ever so slightly, the fabric of her thong further inside her thick ass.

This is where things get interesting. Sara does not panic. Sara does not scream. Sara doesn't even ask Jon if they can leave. The feel of his strong hand on her hip and a bulge she had never felt before kind of excited her. She blushed as she sat down. She kept replaying the moment in her head wondering if it was truly an accident or not. As she watches him welcome another couple into the house, she can't stop thinking about feeling him press against her like that. Not even Jon would be so bold to do something like that to her with other people around. June finally arrived and Sara watched as they seemed so loving with each other. In the group, couples of different ages went around talking about how to love and support one another. Sara was starting to think that it really must have been an accident. This thought now was making her feel embarrassed for thinking it was anything else.

As things were wrapping up, Sara was taking some dishes into the kitchen while others were chatting. As she steps in, she notices Ryan is already there washing some of the coffee cups that were used. He smiles at her holding his hand out to take the cup from her. She walks over to him slowly. At first, the thoughts of his bulge pressed against her flooded her mind. But then she remembered that it was an accident. As she stepped closer and closer Ryan felt another urge and acted on it as he felt safe knowing she didn't tell on him earlier. He grabs the cup and then holds her wrist pulling her closer as he whispers in her ear, "Next time Sara, don't wear any panties.". As he whispers he slowly runs his fingers between her cheeks feeling the line of her thong. Sara freezes during this and just feels almost as if she is under a spell with him. She knows he is older and less attractive than her husband, but something is drawing her to him and wanting to please him. Her face turns red from blushing as she looks away from him and whispers her reply, "yes....sir".

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