Chapter 19: nOoO wHy DiD i Do ThIs.

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I have an announcement to make, shadow the hedgehog is a bitchass- just kidding. I decided to eat Sanderson's Peanut Butter and Mustard Sandwich and to be honest, it was REALLY good. Anyways enjoy my cringy shit.

Emerson's POV, Wellston Mall:

nOoO wHy DiD i Do ThIs?! WHY DID I AGREE TO THIS?! Oh gawd I better stop overthinking before I get sick again.

As you can see I'm doing my daily over thinking and panic attacking.

So yeah I'm in a mall, full of PEOPLE and Fiora is dragging me happy as shit.

To be honest who the hell would be happy as shit to have me? I'm such a nobody, she obviously made a bad choice as usual. I was SUPPOSED to probably die again, actually idk and idgaf I'm self loathing again uugghh.

I said self loathing NOT self loafing, DO NOT THINK OF BREAD!!

Anyways so I'm here following her around and now I'm just like "why?"

"What do you think this looks on me?" She asked holding up a plaid shirt.

"It makes you look like a lumberjack lesbian." I honestly said.

She sighed and gave me a face. "OK you didn't have to be THAT honest."

"Well that's what you get, you want a bf like me then that's what you get." I smart mouthed.

"Yeah I guess that's true." She smiled. "I'm bored now."

"We just got here." I reminded her. "How can you be bored already."

"BECAUSE, shopping is not really what you do when you're dating and all." She explained.

I looked at her blankly. "Um then what do you do?"

"Uh you make out, have romantic walks, you have deep conversations, you have romantic moments together and you touch each other and have se-"

"And I'm 15." I reminded her. "There is no way we are having sex."

"I was just joking." She laughed. "Besides I'm 16 so that's age of consent soooo."

Yeah I'm gonna just go and all....

"Um uh huh?" I kinda made a face but not really, I was more confused that she had the guts to say that in public.

I guess some people aren't as anti social as I am.

"Well even then, a lot of the stuff you said pretty much adults do and not minors like us." I explained.

"Well then what's the point of dating then?" She sighed.

Good question, what's the point to anything at all, we're all just gonna die one day so don't waste your time hanging around me.

"Actually I have no clue, I think it's just to help with our emotional and hormonal changes as teenagers."

"You really had to go scientific with that haha?" She laughed.


"Also I know your mentally hating yourself right now so you need to stop it and go with me to get ice cream." She told me.

Damn it! She knew!

John's POV, Washdeer Avenue:

I decided to go for a walk to get my health on track and I was walking down this street.

I had distanced myself from Seraphina a lot lately ( No I'm not breaking up with her. ) But I do worry about her safety around me.

Especially since I might go berserk again.

Gosh it's dark down here, it's pretty bright out so why is this street so damn dark?

Soon everything became dark, EVEN though it was daylight. Well it was but now it appears to be midnight.

What the? How did it become midnight like in meet seconds?!

I didn't like what I was seeing and I had my senses up, but eventually I sensed and aura.

A strong one at that.

"Ah John Die, we've been expecting you." A mysterious man said.

"What the who are you?!" I turned my head around and saw a red and white haired scientist.

"I am Dr. Infinite and I am head of Phoenix." He smiled.

He had a red aura surrounding him that was constantly creating, something?

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He had a red aura surrounding him that was constantly creating, something?

I could sense that he is very strong.

Immediately I already knew his ability and rank, but before I could even make a move he continued. "You may be thinking why I'm here but I'll tell you, you're ability is very valuable. It is among the rare ones and the most powerful ones. Manipulation abilities are usually very powerful."

"But why do you want my ability? Are you gonna be like those EMBER freaks?!" I barked.

"Not to take it from you but to use it with you, you see I have a goal of a New Reality. One where all this hate, corruption and violence doesn't exist, a reality where only one person rules and everything else is peace and harmony. My creation Sanderson is helping me accomplish this, he exists cause I know his counterpart Emerson would not help me despite his ability ALSO being very valuable." He explained. "With your help, I can create a New Reality. I just need you to work with me here and you'll live in a new world where Keon, Claire and all those who hurt you don't exist. You'll live a happy life with your girlfriend and I can even help you marry her."

"That's a lot of bullshit for one guy! How are you gonna even accomplish this?" I asked.

He started to float and a large red glow surrounded him.

"My ability is Reality Manipulation, thus why you noticed this street is midnight compared to the rest of the city which is in broad daylight. However I myself am not strong enough to create an entire New Reality. I need not only Wellston's secret power but I also need you."

Dr. Orville ( AKA: Infinite )

Ability: Reality Manipulation

Level: 8.2

Best Move: Reality Cubes.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes, for several huge tasks." He simply put. "I won't tell unless you join Phoenix."

"How can I trust you?!" I asked on guard.

"Simple, EMBER and DARKLORD had ability removers, amps and all sorts of shit to fuck with everyone. Phoenix has none of that, we have a REAL goal. Sanderson yes he can be a very big asshole at times but that's just him." He put it.

"I dunno..." I was very skeptical of all of this.

Maybe he is on to something? Maybe I should join in?

"I'm not gonna force you to make a decision now so I'll give you three days..."

He turned his hand around and the street became daylit and he vanished away.

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