Chapter 1: The Shadows Emerge

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Hello there.

You may be wondering who I am, after all I DID just say hi out of nowhere.

My name is Sanderson and I'm a 9.9 in Energy Manipulation and this is my story.

- Phoenix HQ -

"Finally you are complete!" My father has proclaimed.

"I am?" I asked confused.

"Yes I have completely recreated the ability of the one who was the hero of Wellston. I even replicated his ability. Your DNA of Josh was also finally complete. My boy you are now finished!" Dr. Orville explained.

Dr. Orville is what you would call my father, he created me in a lab in less than a week. He has one of THE highest IQs in the world.

"Joining EMBER and DARKLORD into Phoenix was the best decision I ever made, without it I would have never created you!" He smiled.

"Thanks dad." I mumbled.

"Oh shit I forgot, tomorrow is your first day at Wellston High. Remember your mission now."

"Don't worry I will execute it." I assured.

"Oh alright." He smiled again. "Go on now! Here, take your things with you as you will be moving into the dormitories there."

He handed me a box of my belongings and patted my shoulder.

He handed me a box of my belongings and patted my shoulder

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I said my goodbyes to Dr. Orville and left Phoenix HQ, I took one of limousines the organization had and was driven to Wellston High.

Once I arrived I noticed that half the building looked brand new.

That's interesting, I wonder why.

Dad was still busy trying to download the entire internet and the hero's memories so that way I could I feed off that information but for now I'll just have to use my own like a normal person.

I walked into the gates along with several other kids and walked into my designated class.

The teacher there greeted me and told everyone to meet me.

"Class this is Sanderson he is our a new student, class say hi!" He smiled.

Everyone said hi really awkwardly and I didn't even know why.


He told me to sit next to a brown and purple haired girl, honestly she looked like a lesbian pissed about something so in a way I was a little afraid of her.

Though I'm most likely WAY stronger than her.

She looked at me, funny.

As if I were some rare bug that looked gross as hell.

Normal humans are weird.

"You look, familiar." She noted.

"I don't even know you, that's a weird way to greet people." I said. "Maybe next time say HELLO?"

I rolled my eyes and watched the teacher ramble on about stupid shit I already knew.

Eventually class was over I was starting to wonder why my dad went to get three college degrees in a row when high school was already boring as hell.

As I was walking out some barf and shit haired kid came up to me and said "Hey dude what's up?"

"Oh hey......dude?" I said wondering what the hell he was saying.

"Blyke and I thought you were pretty cool looking and we were wondering if you would like to go with us to some rave with us? You TOTALLY look like the person to go to one and plus we have an extra ticket!"

"Who's Blyke and who are you?" I asked confused.

"Oops my bad Blyke is the red head over there and my name is Isen. What's yours?" He asked.

"Um my name is Sanderson." I told Isen.

Isen is a weird name, sounds like a rat name.

"Awesome! Well my ability is Hunter and I'm a 4.2 I think? What about you my friend?" He asked. "I'm just curious is all."

"I uh have Energy Manipulation and I'm a level 9.9." I explained to him.

For some odd fucking reason Isen's eyes widened and he started to laugh. "Ahaha good one!"

"What's so funny?" I was very confused.

"Your joke, OBVIOUSLY that's not your actual ability."

"Um yeah it is, I can show you." I said annoyed.

In a second my hand turned into a glowing red energy claw.

Isen froze for a second and his pupils widened and he looked very shocked.

"You don't happen to be related to Emerson are ya?"

"Who's Emerson? I honestly never heard of him." I asked.

I do not know what the FUCK these people are talking about.

"Um you know that I'm guy who saved Wellston?" Isen remembered.

"No I don't think so." I said back to him plainly.

Immediately Isen's mood changed and he said "Well the rave starts at 5 tomorrow so you can meet us at our dorm and we can go. See you there!" He waved away.

Wow first day and I already made a friend. I wonder what dad would think of this?

So far so good. Looks like I will be able to complete Phoenix's plan AND live a normal human life.

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