Chapter 33 - An old fight

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Sometime later, Abhiraj came along with Rishi, Vijay and his other business partners. One of them were on a wheelchair and Rishi was pushing it forward. Abhiraj politely asked her cousins to clear the dais, and they obliged immediately, leaving Shreya alone.

"Shreya, this is Shein." Abhiraj began introducing. She remembered her face from the conference call.

"Hello." Shein smiled at her and handed a gift box. Shreya did a namaste and took the box with a smile. Same went for everyone else until it was Rishi's turn. He beamed at her. "Congratulations." She nodded with a smile when he angled himself and introduced the person on the wheelchair. "Meet my father. Mr. Shyam Narayan, and this is my mother, Mrs. Zinnia Dutta Narayan."

Shreya's eyes wandered over to the gorgeous lady. Her appearance was really flawless. Very few people Shreya had met in her real life looked as alluring as this woman in front of her. Her waist-length, chocolate-brown hair was neatly brushed and cascaded down her back. Her amber eyes were highlighted with classy eye make-up. She had a sylphlike body with delicate curves. Wrapped in a designer golden saree with contrast blouse, she looked like a goddess on earth. Shreya realized Rishi inherited more of his mother's gene than his father's. In fact, he looked a lot like his mother.

She batted her eye lashes at Shreya before giving her a slight nod. "So, Priyasha chose her?" The question was asked to Abhiraj, and he answered with a little yes.

Zinnia's plump red lips curved at one end. "I thought you had to make a settlement because of the controversial situation."

Abhiraj said nothing and made an eye contact with Vijay when Zinnia asked again. "Where is your son by the way? Where is Abhimanyu? I haven't seen him in the party."

Abhiraj cleared his throat uncomfortably while Shyam spoke up. "Zinnia, stop the interrogation already, and let me meet Shreya. I'm sure the busiest person of Permabell is busy somewhere with some work. What do you say, Rishi?"

Rishi chuckled lightly. "You're right Papa. Exactly that might be the situation. We all know him."

"But still, he should've been present here. This celebration is for his marriage. He's the foremost responsible person of this entire event. Roy, how could you let your son be so careless?"

Abhiraj's jaws ticked but he said nothing.

Zinnia raised her left hand and placed it on Abhiraj's arm. "If I was his mother, I'd have raised him right. I know how to teach kids responsibility. Look at my Rishi. He knows how to behave and carelessness in not one of his traits."

Someone called out from behind them. "My son is not careless Zinnia. But he's got more responsibilities in his hand at this moment."

Shreya's heart started palpitating as Priyasha came up on the dais and stood beside her husband. Her hand wrapped around her husband's arm on purpose as she stared dead into Zinnia's eyes. Zinnia retraced her hand from Abhiraj's arm.

At that exact moment, Shreya realized there was some kind of rivalry between these two women. Priyasha looked equally elegant in her pastel-blue sequins embroidered saree. Graceful as always. Her hair was tied in a neat traditional low bun. She had paired her outfit with platinum jewelries and matching accessories. With her calm and sophisticated look, she complemented Abhiraj's daunting aura perfectly.

Zinnia gave her a once over before opening her mouth again. "What responsibility can be more important than this?" Her tone was laced with taunt.

"Some responsibilities are incomprehensible to some individuals," Priyasha countered almost immediately.

A moment of silence followed making the ambience awkward. None of the two was ready to back off and kept glaring at each other.

Then Shyam let out an uncomfortable laugh trying to turn the situation at ease. "That's right. That's right. Let's go Rishi. Let's get something to drink."

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