Chapter 2 - Second Heaven

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In his school curriculum, the enemy was identified as Second Heaven.

In the Holy Bible, it was written that the devil was freely roaming the Earth in the air around us, and he was at one point named as the 'Prince of the Air'. The 'Prince' of the air led armies and principalities of demons to corrupt mankind.

With these things out to create trouble, the work of the Vikings were endless.

One of the key jobs assigned to Vern the Wyvern Knight was to exorcise demons out of rich children and teenagers.

He will often be accompanied by a mentor who would hold a crystal ball with him.

This mentor wore a mask. Well, everyone wore masks since the pandemic wasn't over. However, he wore a metallic silver one over the protective face mask as well. Above that, he wore a silver-coloured full body cloak with a hood.

Well, since he never took off the mask and the hood, how would anyone know that it is a 'he' or a 'she'?

Vern never knew, but he was under this mentor's tutelage for a while, and he referred to him as 'Pure'.

Vern learned everything he had to know from Pure, including the history of the Vikings.

Long ago, a warlord from the realm of the dark led an army of dead soldiers against the world of the living and threatened the existence of all in this island of multiple kingdoms across the sea from Mainland Europe, long before it was called Europe. He was created from a cult sacrifice that gone wrong, leading to the stone idol created to appease the local patron deities of the tribe coming to life and turning everyone around him into his slaves, and mutating the surrounding animals into unnatural hideous creatures.

It was like reliving the thousand year war of giants and mutants before the Earth was engulfed by a flood that consumed everything except a few survivors in a huge ark.

However, humanity continued their evil ways and some of the evil giants or mutants reappeared, and this was one of those times.

A group of heroes who lost their family members to the attacks had forged holy weapons to stand up against this warlord who sent headless warriors, dragons, and skeleton warriors after them. The weapons included holy swords, holy axes, and metallic stars forged from metal blessed by high-level priests and some advanced alchemy.

They were the Heroes Guild.

With their financial resources and access to powerful magic and weapons, they also helped to discover heroes who would use their weapons to grow strong to fight these evil undead beings and vanquish their physical bodies and erase them from history, so much so that they became only myths and legends. No dragons, no centaurs, giants, etc. would exist anymore after they used the last of their magic to create a wave of magic that prevented magic from being used again by the masses. That also meant that the benign creatures like unicorns. Legends have it that they left through caves in mountains or holes in the ground to another world, never to return again.

A group of them became the Vikings who were sea explorers and conquerors of Northern Europe who disappeared into obscurity some time in history. They were the descendants of the ones who once knew divine magic. Still, they had insane luck and courage in battle which could be attributable to the magic that still remained in their blood. That was also the time when Siegfried lived and slayed the dragon Fafnir, which became a famous tale for years to come.

When Christianity spread across Europe, many efforts were put in to erase all traces of witchcraft and magic, and many warlocks were caught and burnt. Many went into hiding, hiding their weapons, books, and craft, many never to see the light again.

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