Chapter 9 - Order of the 10 Gems

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After the video presentation, the 10 warriors and their respective goddesses formed the Ninja Order of Tosarat (ทศรัตน์), or the order of the 10 gems.

Nathan and Sophia were practitioners of the power of the moon element, and their gem was purple in color.

Kouryu and Anopalm were practitioners of the power of the sun element, and their gem was yellow in color.

Seiryu and Varun were practitioners of the power of the water element, and their gem was ocean blue in color.

Suzaku and Manida were practitioners of the power of the fire element, and their gem was red in color.

Genbu and Poypanan were practitioners of the power of the earth element, and their gem was green in color.

Byakko and Pinglow were practitioners of the power of the lightning element, and their gem was white in color.

Kirin and Chompapat were practitioners of the power of the heart element, and their gem was pink in color.

Zombie and Amporn were practitioners of the power of the illusion element, and their gem was grey in color.

Wyvern and Puredine were practitioners of the power of the wind element, and their gem is light blue in color.

Yana and Mana were practitioners of the power of the soul element, and their gem is indigo-blueish in color.

These ten gems were called the Bridestones, and they had the power to rule the universe. At that moment, they were only able to use a fragment of their powers only.

They were about to proceed with the next phase of their plan, which was to use the Record Crystals to tap into the inner recesses of their memories to search their past lives as practioners of these respective Bridestone elements, to search for clues regarding the origin of the Yaldabaoth.

The first to start the ritual were Kouryu and Anopalm. They lay down side by side with a large crystal slab placed between them. Following that, Yana and Mana recited the spell for them to enter into a deep sleep and the crystal slab started glowing. That was when their consciousness started to go down memory lane, back to a certain past life when they reincarnated as ordinary people, while holding the latent potential to activate the power of the sun gem.

It was during that last day that he remembered one of his past lives during the 1920s in Japan. He was an ordinary well-to-do Japanese salaryman and Engineer called Joji (which is meant to sound like George) and his wife was called Naomi, a very westernized Japanese woman who was the object of her husband's obsession (although he groomed her to become the dominatrix wife she eventually became), after he attempted to mould her after Western actress Mary Pickford.

Naomi started out as an ordinary girl trying to get ahead in life, and Joji groomed her to become more western and knowledgeable. However, one day she grew to become more domineering and also manipulative. He felt controlled by her but his obsession and unrequited lust for her made him a complete slave for her. However, what he didn't know was that an evil entity took over her. One day, he rescued a girl who was lying on the road in the rain, and it turned out to be the Naomi who loved him long ago. It turns out that her soul left her body after being taken over by that evil entity.

He reconciled with her and finally he made love with her and his passions were totally satiated and the relationship became more balanced. However, the evil Naomi noticed them and tried to separate them and accuse them for cheating on her even though she had been cheating on her husband every night while denying him his desire.

In another incarnation when they were practioners of the sun element gem's power, he was Merlin and she was his unrequited love, Vivienne.

Merlin, the legendary wizard who was a powerful wizard and advisor to the great King Arthur of Britain, was actually fathered by an Incubus who visited a woman and impregnated her. Inheriting his father's incubus lust, he was also suspected of charming other women into willingly letting him physically "having" them, leaving them with no memories of what happened, resulting in the birth of children who inherited his blood. His downfall was his unfulfilled lust for the Lady of the Lake, Vivianne, who was immune to his charms and tricked him into being trapped in a magic tomb where he eventually died.

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