Chapter 8 - Biblical Past

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For 1200 years in the past, Earth was ruled by demons after humans tampered with magic to produce supernatural offspring which went out of control, and the offspring spared no efforts to wipe out the rest of the pureblood human beings. They were called the Nephilim.

In the Bible, it was written that God sent a great flood, referred to as the Great Deluge, to wipe out these vile creatures while saving the last of the pureblood humans, comprising only the family of Noah.

Of course, these evil creatures, now stripped of their physical bodies and left to suffer in the nonphysical afterlife of torment, also prepared for their return to the world in physical form.

During the 1200 years of hell on Earth, they created a substance called "Chiwitium". It was a substance used to create living creatures out of basic organic matter by programming it at gene level using their psychic powers. They also designed the Chiwitium to make it possible to summon spiritual beings and bring them back into this world with a physical body using magic, since it was not generally not possible to bring the spiritual consciousness of dead people back without intervention from a living conjurer.

These conjurers produced a large amount of solidified Chiwitium and used their advanced scientific expertise to open a portal into a dimensional void and dump this big piece of 'rock' inside and seal it in there, so that if one day they were to be wiped out, they can be reborn from this rock and regain a physical presence in this world, and return to this world to invade it.

Inside this dimension, this whole race of evil dead beings were reborn and they started their kingdom of chaos from scratch. This world was referred to as the Chaos Dimension, and the world inside this dimension was the same as how Earth was for 1200 years before the Great Deluge. It was also referred to as hell itself, or rather the physical part of hell that all humans would dread to go for eternity after they die, although still many ended up there.

Throughout the ages, a group of intellectually and magically gifted people came together to keep that dimension sealed so that they will never cross over to Earth, known initially as the "Chaos Guardians", but later on better known as 'Witches'.

Sometimes, there were cracks in those dimensions and a few of these creatures managed to pass through, but a number of righteous heroes managed to vanquish them.

Even though the Chaos Dimension was sealed from Earth, they still managed to invade other worlds and turn them into demonic worlds and invade Earth from there though in small numbers due to the intervention of those 'Chaos Guardians' who went astray.

However, as time went by, the Chaos Guardians dwindled in number, as they were persecuted by other members of the community. Some regarded them as 'witches' and burned them.

Eventually heroes in other worlds managed to fight back against the demons in their world and seal them back in the Chaos Dimension, making it more difficult for them to launch invasions on Earth.

However, even from the Chaos Dimension, they could always manipulate human thoughts and desires to help them get back to Earth, one way or another.

The underground world in the bowels of Midgardia and the world of Asgardia located in the sky of Midgardia was the origin of the concept of Heaven and Hell that were taught to the humans on Earth, because the El gods who inhabited Midgardia already had that concept, but that was physical, not spiritual as they were taught in the religions. The truth was that all life, good or bad, returned to the creator, except that the weight of the sins of the evil ones would cause them to reject returning to the creator and that is when the evil magicians will have access to their spirits which will enable them to be summoned back as demons or evil spirits, which was the origin of black magic. Likewise for white magic, where benevolent spirits who are one with the creator also can be summoned to perform healing through prayer and meditation. Whereas those spirits that are not completely evil but have been led astray from the path of enlightenment will continue to be part of the cycle of constant rebirth until they become enlightened enough to merge completely with the Creator.

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