Chapter 7 - The Apocrypha

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Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining today for today's orientation video. I'm Lord Wonderwall, your host, and also the leader of the Wonderwall Foundation, the parent company of Seishokai. Here, I will give you an introduction of how the human race came to be on this Earth, and who created you. I will also explain to you who you are and how you are related to all of these.

I have been around for many years, building up this organization and watching over the events that have been unfolding in this world, for many generations. I formed elite task forces to defend humanity against evil again and again for many years and generations. There is one thing special about these task forces.

Each of the members, actually share the same soul. The male members share one same soul, and the female members share another same soul. You have reincarnated into different eras and different countries, sometimes to the past, sometimes to the future, and sometimes, in the same era but different body, and you meet each other.

Each of the male characters here, are actually incarnations of myself before being reincarnated as myself, Lord Wonderwall. Likewise, the ladies are actually incarnations of my soul mate, Lady Wonderwall, before being reincarnated as her.

Our purpose for existing is actually very simple, but important, which is to fight against the great evil that continues to threaten our world, which is the Yaldabaoth, a formless force or energy of evil that can corrupt our thoughts and make our behaviors destructive.

As long as this evil exist and return in different forms to harm us, I will continue to summon past incarnations of ourselves, which are actually you guys, to team up and fight against this great evil, and our legend will be here to stay. Without further ado. Let's begin.

Long ago, the universe was created by the great omniscient and omnipotent creator God.

The stars and the planets that orbit them and the moons that orbited those planets, were created.

The life essence that carried the wisdom and unlimited life energy of the great omniscient and omnipotent creator God of the universe slowly spread to the surface of several planets, on which life entities were formed.

These life entities formed different animals and plants, and also energy beings called Aeons, who slowly developed into the bipedal two-gendered El race.

The ancient El race were giants with long lifespans that spanned eons.

They were spread out across the stars, including Lyra, Vega, Pleiades, Sirius, Orion, Andromeda, Draco, and so on.

Many clusters of stars were born.

Many constellations were born.

Many solar systems were born.

Due to variations in the environments of the planets they lived on, they evolved differently and at different pace, developing different types of powers of skin colors, skin types, and so on, but otherwise they were a bipedal humanoid species with a penchant for culture, language, and technological growth.

After eons have passed, the civilizations of the El race reached the apex of their growth.

It was easy for them to travel from one end of the galaxy to another.

They also fought wars with each other, and refugees of the war-torn planets migrated to other constellations, creating a mixture of different races in different parts of the galaxy.

Eventually, the solar system of the current human race, was born, but was not yet populated with life yet.

The solar system consisted of 9 planets.

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