Chapter 10 - Moving forward

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They also discussed what they found from their trip down memory lane to search for the root cause of the Yaldabaoth.

All of them actually recalled noticing some movement of energy which was actually negative energy generated from a hostile environment, as if the energy was being drawn somewhere. It was something their conscious minds in their past life could not see but they were recorded in their memories and now they were able to access and process it during this ritual.

Something or someone was collecting all of this evil energy to feed on so that they could convert it to something else.

That something else was the destructive force, called Yaldabaoth, which is able to corrupt the goodness in living things.

The question was, what, or who, was collecting all these energy to harvest? How long was this collection of energy taking place? Was there some sort of an energy vampire, or was there a team or colony of energy vampires? Maybe it was not energy vampire beings or creatures, but equipment that have been triggering negative behaviour in people to create negative energy to harvest. Were there any points or places that harvested this energy? Once those points were found, they would probably be able to determine what, or who has been doing this, to make generations of human beings suffer so much unhappiness and injustice throughout history.

The Ninja Order of Tosarat (ทศรัตน์), was going to proceed to investigate this phenomenon further, but they were going to need the help of the Valkyries.

The Wonderwall and Seishokai jointly established Byber, an academy based in the Highlands of Iceland, for women from other galaxies where their communities lost a majority of their male population due to intergalactic wars, to undergo a training and conversion to become human so that they can find husbands among the male population that increased exponentially as opposed to female population due to societies that preferred male children over female children leading to gender selection practices or infanticide in the past. Moreover, many of the human females choose not to have a mate due to many of the males being inferior to them in terms of status and looks, which was contributing to the stagnation of population growth further. The Byber Academy also shared its premises with Brunhilde Valkyrie Training Academy where fighting goddesses, otherwise known as 'Valkyries' were trained. Brunhilde Valkyrie Training Academy also had a branch in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and that was where the nine goddesses of the Ninja Order of Tosarat were trained and brought up.

The Seishokai also established training camps for single men all around the world to meet these goddesses, and trained them to become suitable for these goddesses. Many of these men are decent professionals, and the goddesses had the option of bringing these human men back to their planets to repopulate again.

However, when they are rejected by the goddesses, they go back to being ordinary men, and their memories of the training camps are erased, and they are provided a marionette doll from OTR Company so that they will not miss out the happiness that could be derived from the company of a beautiful female partner.

However, because the release of marionette dolls in the market became an issue of conflict of interest with the plan to match human men with alien goddesses, the OTR Company withdrew majority of the marionettes sold in the market to be used for military purposes, and as foot soldiers for the Valkyries.

The OTR dolls were suitable for ordinary wars but not against a crisis like infection by Yaldabaoth energy, so they needed Valkyries. The Valkyrie training programs were originally for the female human aliens who were affected by the intergalactic wars, but Earth humans seeking longer youth and lifespan could apply, and they were granted the training and power to fight against the Yaldabaoth.

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