Pure || Abby Anderson

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Warnings- a little bit of angst but mostly fluff

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Warnings- a little bit of angst but mostly fluff.
Word count- 1.1k

A/n: feel free to send in requests on here or tumblr my user is strangerdangerb1tch so feel free to do what you like. <3

I could feel the way she looked at me and I admit when she's not looking I do the same, but I can't help but day dream how it would feel to kiss and hug her everyday but I know I can't when I know he looks at her the same way, Owen always has a pick at me for it.

Today was different though it was busy and loud I was tending to a patient when I suddenly heard noise from my walkie, it was muffled but I heard it.

"Manny? Are you okay what's happened?" I ask worried because he never radios me. "Y- Y/N oh god we need a room NOW." I jumped at the last part but quickly finished with jenna before cleaning and clearing the bed getting ready for my next patient.

It didn't take long before my door is busting open with Both manny and owen carrying a almost unconscious resisting abby in. I could help but gasp at the sight. "My goodness! What happened?" I ask trying to stay calm while helping both men put abby on the bed.

Once we successfully put her on with many protests she finally calms down when I tell her everything will be okay, i turn to the boys and ask again. "What happened?" They look at me before Owen finally answers. "We we're just doing our normal routine making sure scars Didn't get close and check buildings for infected. Everything was perfectly fine until a stalker came out of no where and jumped her no one saw it coming, and when we finally released they jumped on her." I nod at him with a small smile before thanking them both and telling them to get some rest.

I finally turn to Abby to see she might have a small concussion and a few scratches other then that she seems fine, I still stayed with her cleaning up her cut only finding two that went a little to deep that had to be stitched making sure it was as painless as possible. After making sure she is as comfortable as possible I sit on my little office chair finishing up any left over work I have.


I groan before trying my best to sit up before soft hand push me back down. "No, nonono honey don't do that you have a concussion." A soft angelic voice told me, I slowly look up taking in all the features before making my way to there face. Only to see it's the person I've been so nervous to talk too all this time.

"Are you okay Abby?" Y/n asks streaking her fingers across my cheek making a faint blush appear, "I-I'm fine." I stutter out making me look down only for her to touch my cheek and lift it up again. "Are you sure? you look a little red." Oh if only she knew the affect she has on me, "I'm sure." I reply back frozen in my spot.

She nods before taking her hand away making me almost whine from the loss of contact but looked at her anyways. "You will have to say in here for a little while longer unless you would like me to take you back to your room, but not to be blunt, I don't think that's a good idea seeing that you throw yourself at work i wouldn't think it would be the brightest idea." I could tell she looked guilty from saying it how it is so I couldn't help but laugh.

"Your probably right, I guess your stuck with me for a while." I told her making her let a little breat off relief out that she didn't offend me. "Maybe more then you like this is my office as well I promise I'll be quiet while you rest." She told me before reading over some of the papers on her desk. "How are you always considerate?"

I saw her smile before turning around to face me. "I'm not sure I guess I've always been like this, a little softie." She smiles before getting up and going over to the small tap and grabbing a blue cup before running it under the water filling it up. "I think it's adorable." I say loud enough for her to hear she turns her face away but I can still make out the faint smile and Tint of pink that spread across her cheeks.

She stood there for a moment before turning around back around walking towards me with the cup of water. She keeps her head down shying her self away, passing the cup to me that I take with a small thank you, she looks up and stares into my eyes god I felt like I was in a dream, everything was so quiet until the silence was broken.

"You have the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen," y/n said placing her hand on my neck to study my colour of my eyes more? It doesn't matter I was enjoying it but it all came to an end when she realised how intimate it seemed. As she started pulling away my body took over before I could stop myself, I grabbed her wrist softly and put it back but this time on my cheek.

She looked down nervously before I sat up and took my own hand and placing a peace of hair that fell in her face behind her ear before slowly dragging my knuckles down her cheek before placing it in the middle of her jawline, now officially hold her delicate face in my fairly ruff hands. "Is this okay?" I ask lifting her face closer to mine.

"Yes." The shorter girl tells me before she gets much, much closer with her in between my legs as my other hand goes to her waist and hers going to my face before tracing over my eyebrows, nose before slowly making her way to my lips, i close my eyes as i give her fingertips the smallest of kisses before looking back up at her.

And those same pure, eyes looking into mine, I couldn't resist the temptation and before I knew it she placed her lips onto mine making my freeze for a moment before I quickly recover and return the kiss, I've wanted this for as long as I've been here and I can fully confirm that I Abigail Anderson am completely and Utterly in love with y/n l/n.

If only every visit could be like this.

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