Me too || Ellie Williams

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Pairings: Ellie Williams x Fem!ReaderWarnings- Joel's death, Ellie being mean, angst and fluff

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Pairings: Ellie Williams x Fem!Reader
Warnings- Joel's death, Ellie being mean, angst and fluff

Word count- 883
A/n: I don't like this one 😛👎


When you love someone to tend to put them before yourself but sometimes that's just not enough for them, i guess that how I ended up in this situation. Nothing happened to lead up to this point, all I asked was to put the fucking dishes away while I hang out the clothes. Is it that hard? Obviously it is to lead us into this screaming match.

"Why are you getting so upset over me asking you to do the dishes?" I loudly ask the woman sitting on her stupid chair. She looks at me with rage in her eyes before yelling at me once again. "Because you ask me to do every fucking thing around here can I not get a fucking break for once."

I look at her in disbelief. Can she get a break can she get a fucking break. "Excuse me, I have done everything around here while you have been healing from Joel's death, i never ask you to do anything but the couple time I do it's so I can get dinner ready for both of us faster." I tell her as I walk over to the dirty plates.

"It's like you can't do anything properly though, I mean look at this place you say you clean and all this shit yet it still looks like a fucking pigsty." She hisses at me as a wash the dishes. I sigh officially over this argument but that only seems to anger her more. "Don't fucking sigh at me, you say I do nothing but who goes out to catch the food you cook huh? Oh that's right me, I do. But you don't seem to appreciate that do you."

As I wash the last plate I look over at her. "Ellie you know I appreciate everything you do, all I'm saying is that I needed you to do the dishes so I could-" I cut myself off not being able to finish my sentence as tears make there way on my lash line, I just put my head down and finish packing the dishes away before slowly making my way to the laundry basket.

"Can I be honest with you, I'm really starting to get sick of this. I feel like I'm suffocating with you," ellie said while standing up. Still holding the basket I turn my body to look at her. "I have done nothing but give you space and the life you wanted, but that's not enough for you huh just sweep that under the rug, not only that but I've been trying to heal myself watching that woman hurt someone I truly loved was traumatising and I wish someone would of taken care of me the way I've been taking care of you."

I couldn't help but yell I'm so sick of getting treated like I do nothing and I'm not good enough. I look straight Into her eyes and saw something light up in there that scared me, debating if I should leave or not was short live when she spoke up.

"I wish it was you." I give her a sad smile. "Me too." I whispered before walking out the door to hang out the laundry.


I'm half way through hanging out the clothes, I felt like shit did she really feel like that, does she not love me anymore, am I good enough. A set of silent tears rolled down my cheek only to be harshly wiped away.

I stood their thinking and pinning a shirt when I feel arms go across my torso pulling me into a tight hug I knew who it was immediately and just stood there. As Ellie put her face into my neck I felt the wetness of her cheeks collide with the side of my neck and shoulder.

"I'm sorry," a her muffled voice said, hugging me tighter and bringing me closer, "I'm so sorry." She sobs not showing any sign of letting go. Sighing I bring my arms to hold hers while swaying a little, as a cold breeze flows over us making me shiver. Silence is all the is heard as I continue hanging the clothes out while Ellie holds me close.

"I'm finished babe, let's get back inside it's getting cold." I said to her quietly as I push the laundry basket to the side. I feel her losen her Hold only to keep one arm tightly on my waist as we make our way back inside. I lead her to the dining table sitting her down before making my way over to the oven to get dinner started.

"Are you hungry babe?" I ask to not get a reply but arms tightly making their way back on my waist. "Are you tired Ellie?" I ask only to feel a nod on my neck. I hmm before gently pulling her arms off me and helping her to our bedroom.

Once we make it there I lay her down, as I look at her and giving a little smile before leaning down and placing a kiss on her cheek before moving to her ear, "I'll always forgive you ellie."

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