Surprising Remus, kind of...

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At this time everyone was worried with Sirius the 'mass murderer' running free from escaping Azkaban, so the twins had forgotten about their grand plan of being an Animagus. Of course Ron was convinced he saw Sirius standing over him with a knife, causing a scene not only in the Gryffindor tower but the whole of Hogwarts.

*flash forward to the scene of the trio, and Sirius*

'Wh-what's he doing here?' Ron stutters

'Guys clam down it's all going to fine nobody is going to kill anyone okay. Sirius is innocent okay. now Sirius would you like to explain a little to Harry?' you ask

Just then Remus enters, scanning the room taking in what he's seeing.

'Sirius' says Remus

'Remus' exclaims Sirius

The two of the share their moment hugging, then Remus sees you.

'y/n! Are you okay?' Remus asks in a worried tone

'Yes Remus I'm fine,' you say hugging him 'I wasn't exactly planning on yours and pads reunion to go like this' awkwardly smiling

'Wait you knew he was out and he was here!' you hear Harry say from behind you

Honestly you had forgotten that Harry, Ron and Hermione where there so with a little explaining from you they calmed down a little. Now came the explanations from Remus and Sirius about the night that James and Lilly died.

Once everything had been explained and Snape had been taken care of you all left the Shrieking Shack through the Whomping Willow entrance getting to work in getting Sirius to safety. 

You and Remus make sure the trio are okay back at the hospital wing okay, checking in with Dumbledore, because not much can get past him (sometimes). While talking to Dumbledore, he brought up your little secret.

'Listen y/n, I don't supposed you know anything about the wolf that sometimes makes an appearance in Mr Lupins class do you' Dumbledore asks.

'Ahh,' you and Remus say, 'I wondered how long that would take for you to find out' you say to Dumbledore

'Just be careful y/n' Dumbledore says

'Funnily enough the first years do quite like that version of y/n, we both decided that we'll call this side of her Astra' Remus says.

Detention with Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now