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You find your potion and take it, quickly placing the empty vile back in your bag as a reminder to replace it.
Remus was sat up slightly, waiting for you to get back into bed with him; you climb back into bed cuddling into Remus. Wrapping his arms around you pulling you into his chest, wishing the two of you could stay like that forever.
Since it was a Saturday the next day the two of you laid in bed till about 9am.
You woke up first curled up facing Remus; him laying on his front with one arm around you. He seemed so peaceful, if you had a camera with you, you'd have taken a photo to keep the memory forever. After much pondering weather to wake him up or not, eventually deciding to place some kisses in his forehead.
Remus stirred in sleep from the feeling of your lips on his face.

'Morning love' Remus says with a raspy voice

'Morning Rem' you reply

You loved the sound of his voice anyway, but you loved his morning voice even more. His groggy state intrigued you.

Detention with Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now