Sirius and your secret

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After making your way back to the Ravenclaw tower successfully you settle in for the night.

*the next day*

'Psst y/n' you hear Fred say

Turning around to face the the twins are intensely staring at you from the row behind you in class

'Yes boys' you say raising an eyebrow

'So we need some help with these notes.' George says

'We need help getting the materials needed' Fred tells you

After convincing the twins you'd quote on quote help them with their mission; you make your way to see Remus. As you get to his classroom you notice he has Harry's year, as you stood for a moment you thought 'fuck it'.
Quickly looking around to make sure nobody is there, you turn into Astra, hitting the door with your now paw to get Remus' attention.
As 'you' walk in you get introduced quickly.

'This is Astra everyone, I don't believe you have met her' Remus says 'don't worry she won't bite anyone, the most she'll do is rest her head on you to get some strokes' he chuckles seeing some students relax.

Shortly after Remus dismisses the class early so he can spend some time with you before his next class which is luckily your class.

'Bad timing earlier?' You ask helping him pack up

'No actually, I've kind of missed having Astra in my class. What was that plan you where telling me about last night' he asks

'Oh yeah. So basically some first years where talking about having 'me' in class and the twins overheard. They now want to give being an animagus a try and they want me to help them' you tell him along with everything happened at the burrow with this

'Y/n,' Remus sighs 'as much as I'd love you to help them, what if you get caught. I can't have anything happening to you. I love you' he says worried too you

This was the first time he'd said those three words too you. Did you say it back? Did you pretend it never happened?

'Remus, I love you too. Realistically though, do you really think they're gonna be successful?' You reply

'Honestly love, I don't think they will, but that won't stop me from worrying about you. I trust Dumbledore in knowing but what if anyone else does' he says taking a step towards you

The two of you are in your own world, embraced in a hug. Then you remembered. Sirius. You had to tell Remus. How could you break it too him though. Yes everyone knew he'd escaped Azkaban but nobody knew about your secret.

Not a single soul knew what you and Sirius knew...

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