The twins and tbeir plan

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*it's the weekend and you and the weasleys are in the burrow as Bill and Charlie are home*

'So what's this thing that the twins are so eager to try' Bill asks you sitting next to you on the couch

'Oh uncle is an animagus and they want to try become one too,' you say rolling your eyes laughing 'I mean can you imagine the twins being successful'

'I mean it's the twins y/n you know they'll do anything to cause some mischief. It's basically their middle name at this point'

The two of sat talking about different things, mainly you giving Bill all the gossip about his siblings in Hogwarts. Telling him about all the teachers, how much you can't stand Snape, which he agreed with. Then the twins come storming in

'Y/n! There's a letter here for you, open it! It might be your uncle with his notes for us' they say with excitement

You could tell from the handwriting it was in fact from Remus. So you open it quickly easing a few words then breaking the news to the twins

'Sorry boys your out of luck this time' you say excusing yourself so you could read the letter

*the letter from Remus*
I hope your enjoying yourself at the burrow this weekend. I was looking through my books today and found one that you'll love, I'll give it too you when you're back at Hogwarts. When you're back tomorrow night meet me in my class room at 8pm I want to talk too you.

*back to present moment*

You loved it when Remus wrote to you, the two of you would send letters/notes to each other in Hogwarts. Although you where slightly worried of why Remus would want to talk to you, why couldn't he have put it in the letter. You're probably overthinking right? It's probably just so the two of you can hang out and he can give you the book he mentioned.

Deciding to help the twins, you find your notes on becoming an animagus to give to the twins.

'Hey boys here's those notes' you say handing them to George.

'You're the best y/n' George says

'Totally' says Fred, then they both kiss you on either cheek leaving the room

'Wow you really do have an influence on them don't you' Charlie says too you laughing

'I guess so Charlie, I swear they listen to me more than anyone else'

Nothing else eventful happened while at the Weasleys, despite the twins just being there. It came time for yourself, the twins, Ron, Ginny and Harry to apperate back to Hogwarts.
You got yourself situated back in your dorm room, thankful that you had one to yourself not having to share. Then you realise it's nearly 8pm and you needed to go meet Remus. You desire to become Astra to get there because you could.

'Professor Lupin,' you call out you call out, not knowing if he was alone or not

'Y/n you're here' he says walking from his office with a smile on his face

You walk towards him giving him a hug which he returns. Oh how you'd missed his hugs even though you'd only been gone for two nights. The two of you sat talking about your weekends, Remus telling you how he'd spent a majority marking work

'How was it at the burrow?' Remus asks

'It was good, I got to see Bill and Charlie I haven't been able to see them in a while. The twins where being the twins and came up with a new plan'

'What is it now? Fireworks?' He asks chuckling

'No actually, so they somehow got wind on 'me' sitting in here during my free lessons and also want to become an animagus' you say

The two of you sit talking about the idea of the twins actually succeeding when Remus realises it's almost midnight.

'Darling,' he says kissing your forehead 'it's late, why don't you stay here for the night'

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