Earing the said detention

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*you're POV*
There was something different about Remus, what it was exactly you didn't know. Yes you knew he was a werewolf but there was something else.
As usual yiu show up to your DADA class with Lupin. Suddenly you realise you'd forgotten about the homework he had set last lesson. The lesson was drawing to an end and he asked for the homework to be handed too him.
'Y/n can you stay behind once the lesson is over please' you where upset as it was your last lesson of the day and a Friday all you wanted to do was go back to your dorm and sleep.
As Remus asked you stayed behind after lesson signalling to your friends that you'll meet them in the library afterwards.
Remus approaches where you're sat and says 'Miss y/l/n, this is very unusual for you not to hand in your homework. Is everything okay?'
'Y-yes sir, I just missed you telling us about the homework last lesson sir'
Technically that was true but not the truth on why you hadn't hear him
'Right okay, if you don't mind can you stay behind now and complete it for me please'
'Yes sir, I don't mind staying behind to complete it'
You stayed in your seat getting your quill, ink and parchment paper back out of your bag and started on your homework while Remus walked back to his desk and started marking other work.
*short time skip*
As Remus was sat there you couldn't help but look and admire him, thinking how gorgeous he was and how much you just wanted to kiss him.
Like he could read your mind he stood up and walked over to where you are sat. 'Everything okay sir?' You asked
'Yes, yes everything is fine. I'm just thinking' He replied
You go back to finishing your homework as you had almost finished while Remus stood there. As you finished it you turned to Remus
'Here we go sir all finished'
'Thank you y/n I ensure I'll enjoy reading it'
As he heads over to his desk you start packing up your things ready to go relax for the night.
'One more thing y/n and I hope you don't mind me saying this' your heart started pounding and your head racing thinking about what he could possibly say to you. 'But you look absolutely beautiful in this lighting. The way the sun is shining on your hair and eyes.'
You stood in disbelief not knowing how to react

'You really mean that sir?' You said while looking confused
'Yes y/n I really do mean it. I have liked you for a long time and I hope you feel the same' he said softening his look more
'I've liked you for a long time too sir, ever since I first saw you sat in the great hall'

Detention with Remus Lupin Where stories live. Discover now