Robbie - Girls Have Cooties

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Nothing about that night had me thinking anything extraordinary would happen.

He walks away like he did nothing, as he gave me one of his signature smirks.

"See you later love" he said as I stood speechless. He winked then walked away into the darkness.


I walk into the doors of my World Geography class. I slid down into my chair wanting this day to come to an end. I was tired and was day dreaming in class.

"I would like to continue class, if only the entire class was awake during my lesson." my teacher, Mr.Kelly, said loud enough to snap me back into reality.

"Huh" I said. the class started to erupt into giggles as Mr.Kelly literally started to face palm himself.

"Smooth" I hear Lucas, the guy behind me, said

"Shut up" I joke

"Lets get back to our lesson...." Mr.Kelly began

I looked around and saw that I wasn't the only one falling asleep. Mr.Kelly played a video and turn off the lights so the only light was coming through the projector. Mr.Kelly left the room, he sneaks into the teachers lounge as he plays a video and thinks we don't know he left but we all know he's gone.

Everyone was out like a light. Everyone except me and the boy beside me.

I didn't recognize him so I awkwardly stared at him, trying to figure out where I could of seen him before.

"Can I help you?" he says

My eyes open wide and I realized I have been staring at this boy for little over 5 minutes. But I gotta admit, he was attractive, even if I couldn't see him perfectly well in the dark

"What" I replied. I'm an idiot. he chuckles as he looks down at his feet.

"What I meant to say is, I haven't seen you around. Do I know you?" I tried to explain. I realized what I just said was a little creepy but I can't take it back so I'm screwed.

"I would be surprised if you did. I just moved here from England." he said in his clear British accents. I melted inside at the sound of his voice.

"Oh, well that explains it." I reply. I bit my lip, it was a nervous habit. "So what brings you here to America?"

"I'm an actor, not big time yet but I'm getting there." an actor, can this guy get any more attractive?

At that moment the video ended and me and this British boy kept talking about how his acting career is going for him. He's not big time, but I can tell that crowds are gonna love him

Mr.Kelley barges into the room and flickers on the light.

"Now, do we all know how global warming effects the environment?" we all shook our heads yes, even though the video was about Europe. I swear he has no idea what he's teaching.

"Good, you all were good so you get about 10 minutes until the bell rings."

I turn to the British boy besides me and my jaw dropped at how perfect this guy looked. Brown hair that swooped to the side, dazzling green eyes, and an amazing smile that say on his lips.

"Oh! how rude of me, my names Robbie." he holds out his hand for me to shake, "and you are?"

"(Y/N)" I replied

"Lovely name (Y/N)" he said then did an attractive smirk

"Thanks Robbie" I giggled

"Well since your my first and only friend I have made today, may I have your number so we can meet more?" he asks

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