Pan - Winter Wonderland

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"(Y/N) watch this!" Pan yells as he skates over to me

It felt hotter than hell out side so I asked Pan if he could fix the weather, and what he did was froze over half of Neverland.

"Do you think I can spin around and not fall?" Pan asks

"That depends, how long have you been ice skating?" I asked

"There's a first time for everything" he replies. He's an idiot but he is confident. he starts spinning round and round until he lands strait on his bum

"Oh my! Peter are you okay?" I asked with concern

"Yes, don't worry about me, love. Why don't you help me up?" Pan asks

I extend my arm, but instead of Peter coming up I went down and landed on his chest.
We erupted into fits of laughter as we tried to get at least one of us up, but failed miserably each time.

"I think I hate ice skating." Pan says

"Just cause you can't get up doesn't mean you should hate it, let it go." I said "besides its fun!"

"Easy for you to say, you've been ice skating before." he complains

"It's simple, I'll teach you"

We went around in circles, hand in hand, sneaking little pecks on the lips from time to time.

After a while we decided to sit by a nearby tree and cuddle up for warmth

"You know, when I said its hot outside I didn't intend for you you make a winter wonderland." I told Pan

He looked at me funny for a while "do you not like it? I thought you were having a great time?"

"I am, and I wouldn't change this for anything in the world."

He held me closer than before and I knew he had a smile on his face

"I love you (Y/N)"

"I love you more Peter."

Okay another imagine yay!

I thought this was a little short, but hopefully you liked it.

Thanks for reading <3

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