Pan - Welcome Home

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"Hey (Y/N)" I hear Felix yell twords me

"Yes, what do you want?"

"We need more firewood for tonight, go get some." he demands me

"Okay" I say and skip of into the forest

I've been in Neverland for almost a year now, I'm not entirely sure it's hard to tell when there's no sense of time on Neverland.

Pan left to go take care of business in the Enchanted Forest. It's not like I hate it when he goes somewhere but he has a lot of enemies which worries me about his safety

Peter Pan, he's something special. I'm not sure if its the way his hair perfectly swoops across his face or if its the way his eyes dazzle whenever you gaze into them, or if its his sure confidence he always has with him. Yep he's something special, and I'm glad that I can call him mine.

I do wish he could be a little more open with me, saying he finally grew a pair a month ago and asked me to be his which I happily accepted. But he's on private business in the Enchanted Forest where he could get hurt or killed.

These thoughts haunted me as I chop down trees to make fire wood. I got tons of wood I just chopped, more than I could carry.

'Uhhg why did I make so much fire wood!?' I mentally complained

"Need a hand?" a familiar voice echoed though my ear.

I turned around with a smile on my face and met sparkling green eye which belonged to the one and only Peter Pan

"Peter!!" I exclaimed as I dropped the fire wood and jumped into his arms

"I'm glad to know someone missed me during my travels" he said to me

I squeezed him tight in my arm as we shared a light kiss on the lips.

"I was only away for three days, it's not like I was away for a century" he told me

"Well it sure felt longer than three days, what did you get anyways?" I questioned

"Just had to settle some work with an old friend..." he said uneasy

"Friend? Doesn't sound like you are to good friends with that man, what his name?"

"Rumplestilskin, a man who I don't like to talk about." the forest suddenly got quiet

I didn't know what to do, do I lighten the mood or do I stay silent!

"I don't like you out here on your own, let me help bring this wood back love." Pan spoke up

"We better get going then" I responded

Spending time alone with him was bliss, we talked about his journey there and back, how I practiced my fighting skills just in case the pirates decide to invade our camp, then we got into weird topics like what other instruments Pan could play. He was puzzled at my question, as the pan flute was the only instrument he ever payed any attention to.

"Come on, you at least know how to play the hand drums right?" I asked him

"Those are to simple for me, I like things that are challenging and not exactly ordinary, besides the pan flute is a wonderful instrument" he defends himself

"Well alright, do you know any other songs on your flute besides the one you play every time we dance?" I questioned

"Oh look we're at camp!" Pan ignores me and sets down the wood

"BOYS!!!," Pan yells and the lost boys all gather at the middle of the camp,"i have returned."

The boys started to cheer at the return of the king of Neverland.

Pan grabbed his flute and started playing the familiar tune, the boys started to dance around, some hollering as they spin in circles. I soon joined the energetic boys in going crazy around the camp.

Later in the evening, me and Pan were sitting hand in hand watching the fire die down.

"Welcome home" I tell him

He kisses my forehead "It's great to be home."

Well there you go another imagine! I'm not dead I promise! more stuff coming up!

I'm still taking requests so message me an idea you have for a new imagine! I updated the book cover if you didn't notice.

Thanks for reading <3

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