Robbie - Ferris Wheel Friends

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Me and Robbie were walking down the road, coffee in hand, both bundled up for the freezing weather happening around us.

He finally came back to our small town. He moved for a while and I missed him, it felt like forever since I saw him.

It's not like we didn't stay in touch, it's just that days turned into weeks which turned into months which turned into god know how long since I saw him in person.

We always hung out and did basically anything together but we haven't got to real talk and just get to catch up with each others lives. We were laughing while walking along a long fence by the sidewalk.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"On an adventure!" Robbie replied

"And where is the adventure exactly?"

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise"

"Fine, but if you dragged me out here with no surprise your gonna be sorry!" I joked around

We giggled as we turned a corner and saw the winter fair a small town does every year.

"You took me the fair!" I exclaimed

I was thrilled! Spending my day with my best friend as we play games and ride some rides as we eat junk food and have fun! but only as friends.

I've liked him ever since I met that crazy kid, I haven't told him how I feel cause I'm scared of rejection. Stupid feelings! Sometimes I wish I didn't like him but his accent and his personality, how he knows how to brighten my day with his dazzling smile and his charm.

I daydream too much about that boy and it needs to stop!

He paid for our tickets like a true gentle man and we proceeded to the bumper cars like the true kids we are

We would ram into one another and laugh and play tag and feel like we were the only people there even though there were a few more that we didn't pay any much attention to them.

We went to do rigged games, the ones where you have to throw a ball into a hole or shoot water into a bucket but usually there's an obstacle in your way and it makes it pretty much impossible to accomplish the simple tasks.

"Lets not waste time and actually do some rides!" I suggest

"Lead the way" he told me

I started walking around the fair and saw a beautiful carousel and just had to get in line, I ran as fast as my legs could go to the line and was overly excited to ride a plastic animal.

I see Robbie following close behind, looking at all the vibrant colors and animals as I begin to start eyeing a seahorse I really want to ride which is a beautiful sea foam green.

The worker opens the gate and allows everyone in to go find an animal and I rush onto the platform and see the animal that I wanted to ride and jumped on it. Robbie followed and road the panda bear next to me.

The music started up and the floor started to move and we were off! I don't know what brought me so much joy in riding a thing meant for little children, but me and Robbie started smiling and going faster and faster up and down, round and round

After spinning around for what felt like 30 seconds the ride began to slow down, the seahorse wasn't going up and down as lively and I knew it was the end of the ride. Robbie and I went to the exit if the attraction and went over to get some food.

We sat down and began to devour the food placed in front of us. Laughing and talking trough pizza and funnel cake I realized that this was some of the most fun I've had in years!

But it was getting late and the sky got dim and began to fill up with stars. We walked over to the Ferris wheel and saw the short line and we walked over and waited for a moment until we were sitting really close to each other and for extra room he put his arm around me.

I usually don't get nervous, especially around my friends, but my heart was beating fast. When he touched me I felt my head start to pound and my face was hot. I was feeling either sick or in love.

"I love Ferris wheels!" Robbie exclaimed

"Me too, except for the fact we are literally one small mistake to death." I said

"Don't think like that, if you fall, I'll catch you," Robbie told me "as long as you promise to catch me."

"I promise."

We didn't come close to ever falling off the Ferris wheel, but as the Ferris wheel went higher so did our awkwardness.

'Just kiss him' my mind told me. but I was too scared to do it.


'Just do it' my mind told me

"Robbie?" (Y/N) said


She didn't say anything, just stared. I couldn't help myself! Shes absolutely gorgeous and I had a feeling. I closed my eyes and leaned in.

Her lips were warm, and it was a great kiss. No not a make out and not a French kiss, just a gentle, soft, beautiful kiss.

I couldn't of asked for more.

When we got off the ride I could see the excitement inside (Y/N) eyes.

I took her hand and held it in mine as we went over to another game. This one was called hoops and I was determined to win.

One basket, two baskets, three baskets, four, five! (Y/N) jumped up and clapped. I won a giant brown bear with a little heart on it and gave the prize to (Y/N)

"But you won the game?" she said

"And you won my heart."


Okay I don't care if you guys thought that one was bad because I loved it!!

Holy cow I left for a month and I have doubled reads! That's amazing guys!

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