Mr wolf x female reader

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(a/n: this was requested by @RandomAutisticGirl and this an angst, fluff, and romantic one)

(Name's pov):

I was running to my house crying. Now you may be wandering how I got in this situation. Well it all started with a call from my parents saying that my older brother has passed away and they came into town to have his funeral and to come visit me. I was devastated by the news and as soon as I saw them I hugged them and cried. As soon as the funeral was over I was about to walk home when my parents came up to me. They said that I sould hang out with them for a day. I agreed to and we decided to go to a cafe to hang out for a while. It was all going so fine until my parents brought up the idea of a boyfriend. So I told them I was so happy to tell them all about wolf. But when I told them they started to yell at me about how he just trying to brake my heart and how I have brought same upon the whole family. I yelled back saying that it was my choice and he would never do such a thing. They did not like that and said stuff like  "At least your brother listened to us!" and "Why can't you be more like your brother!". They then realized what they said and tried to apologize but I got up and left. Then they started to run after me so I ran. And that is how I got into this situation. I looked back to see that they were no longer following me as I unlocked my door I was meet with a hug from my loving boyfriend. "I'm sorry about your loss." He said while still hugging me. "Do you want to talk about it?" Wolf asked "Yeah." I replied. I then told him about what happened as we cuddled on the couch. "I'm sorry that happened to you sweetheart. That must have sucked." Wolf said while I was playing with his fur. He then got up and left. "I'll be back soon don't worry!" He yelled as he left the house. When he came back I saw he had a few bags in his hand and one hand behind him. "So I went to the store and got you stuff." Wolf said as he pulled his hand from behind his back to show some flowers. He then gave me the bag and I looked to see that it had all of my favorite snacks. I pulled him into a hug I then grabbed my snacks and went to the couch and turned on the TV as we started to cuddle. I looked at him and then kissed him on the cheek. I continued to watch the TV as he started to blush.

(I hope you guys liked this.)

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